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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. It's exactly what happened to Brock Osweiler in Houston. He did fine with a simplified version of Gary Kubiak's offense in Denver, but when he became responsible for the whole playbook for a different coach/coordinator, things went south (so to speak). Thus endeth the lesson.
  2. What did Heath Shuler ever do to you?
  3. It's Monday morning, and there's no news yet on either Tony Romo or Colin Kaepernik. To put it in perspective: Even Brock Osweiler has a new team, but nobody's made a move for either Romo or Kaepernik yet.
  4. Chuck Norris caught every single Pokemon. On a land line.
  5. Two Secrets for Ultimate Success: 1. Never reveal everything you know.
  6. Three pretenders forced their entry There wasn't time to defend or attack Somewhere inside I held their fury But one by one my defenses began to crack The first became a voice from my childhood Without a world to call his own Asking questions but doubting the answers And too confused to stand up and face it alone I can feel my body tremble Like an animal under the gun Can you feel your body tremble Look in and see the eyes of Three Pretenders The second came a shadowy hustler Selling anything not nailed to the ground He put a price on my resistance And if it's high, I know he'll be marking it down The third became a mysterious traveller Stormy words like sea-weathered sails His life was scarred with peaks and valleys A haunted kingdom crumbling against the gales I can feel my body tremble Like a child afraid of the dark Can you feel your body tremble Look in and see the eyes of Three Pretenders
  7. We had a basket full of kittens, and Little Boy Pariah (3.5 years old) was talking with them. And then he came over to me and told me what they were saying.
  8. Tribalism is not restricted to the backwater towns.
  9. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one.
  10. The book I'm reading for my current astrophysics class: Death from the Skies! by Philip Plait. So far, we've only looked at the first three chapters, which cover meteor impacts, coronal mass ejections, and supernovae and their accompanying gamma ray bursts, respectively. Fascinating stuff!
  11. Okay, it's been a crazy couple of days at the Pariah household. Nothing serious, just some minor illnesses that knocked the stuffing out of me and the rest of the family. But we're better now, mostly. Anyway, we now have results for the Round of 16 matches. It will probably be Monday before I'm able to get the next round posted, but let me give you a preview of what you'll see: Nightwing vs. Luke Cage! Green Arrow vs. Huntress! Black Canary vs. Daredevil! Batman vs. Iron Fist! Stay tuned!
  12. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury I come before you to plead for the life of Leon McDuff Ladies and gentlemen of the jury I'm asking you to be the judge of when enough is enough Now Leon McDuff has worked on his daddy's farm every day since the day that he was born Plowing in the fields and hoeing in the garden and helping to pick the cotton and the corn Then came the time of the Mississippi floods when all of his work went down the drain His land was parched by the sun, blown by the wind, and finally washed away by the rain So Leon went to his friends, trying to get help from the, but their crops and their money all were gone So he went to the bank trying to mortgage his home, but the bank wouldn't give Leon a loan He could not decide how his family could survive with no crop and no money to buy food And as he struggled with his hands trying to rework his land, a notice came, said, "Your land tax is due" Ladies and gentlemen of the jury I come before you to plead for the life of Leon McDuff Ladies and gentlemen of the jury I'm asking you to be the judge of when enough is enough In an air-conditioned office on the other side of town, there sat a government official with a frown Seems he'd been trying all week long to find land to build a summer home, but cheap river land could not be found And in the middle of his gloom, his boss walked in the the room and said, "I've got real good news for the house you've planned See, there's this farmer who's so poor, and whose luck has gone so sour, he'll never pay the taxes on his land "So you just wait a week or two, until the money's over due, then go to the cashier down the hall Hold this deed in your hand and pay the taxes on his land, and then have the Sheriff give Leon McDuff a call Then you can tell Leon to move by the last day of July, 'cause the taxes on his land are overdue Tell him he's got to move away because his taxes were not paid, and then all that river land belongs to you" That same air-conditioned office in a week or two, here comes the Sheriff saying, "I've got bad news That old Leon McDuff knows he's had bad luck, he says he'll try to get the money, but he won't move" Then that bureaucrat jumped up and grabbed the Sheriff by the arm and said, "We're going out to take his land today!" So he and the Sheriff drove out to Leon's farm to tell the McDuffs to move away There stood Leon on his land with a shotgun in his hand and his eyes were narrow beneath the brim of his hat He said, "I've worked hard on this land as a boy and as a man, and I won't lose it now to no damn bureaucrat!" Then that bureaucrat got mad and he grabbed the gun in Leon's and, and in the struggle an explosion cracked the air And when the smoke and dust had cleared, and the ringing left their ears, the Sheriff, he lay dying on the ground The Sheriff, he lay dying on the ground Now on the table I will lay this here gun, Exhibit A, and it's covered with two set of fingerprints that you can't even see Other hands were here, and none perceived, nor eye nor ear, just what triggered off this morbid tragedy Now to me, it's still unclear what exactly caused the problem here, there's just too much you've got to know before you know enough And while we can't find out today just where all the guilt should lay, it shouldn't be on Leon McDuff Ladies and gentlemen of the jury I come before you to plead for the life of Leon McDuff Ladies and gentlemen of the jury I'm asking you to be the judge of when enough is enough It's just about enough
  13. If you meet one jerk, then you've met one jerk. If you meet two jerks, then you're having a bad day. If you meet a lot of jerks, then the biggest jerk is probably the guy in the mirror.
  14. Once is random chance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action.
  15. The Donkeys need serious help on their O-line. It'd help if C.J. Anderson could stay healthy for the whole year, too.
  16. When the lights die down and your blood runs cold Then you know what you fear most is growing old The clock winds down and the bells will toll For the dawn that follows may require your soul Through the narrows there are few who pass Only the chosen enter in Seek your calling while it may be found For the sand in the hourglass is falling We hang in the balance one by one Turn from you ways the voice is calling And fear the end of the age Now the evil deed never goes unseen And the wisdom of your wise men is unclean For the pride of life and the lust for gain Is a sickness of the heart, the Mark of Cain Through the narrows there are few who pass Only the chosen enter in Seek your calling while it may be found For the sand in the hourglass is falling We hang in the balance one by one Turn from you ways the voice is calling And fear the end of the age Sword and shield, the right hand of power's Protecting us, directing us He'll reveal the glory that's only His own With a fire in the sky When the mountains fall and the heavens roar Then the reign of man will end forevermore And the fools who believed in their empty ways Will be witness to a world that's set ablaze For the sand in the hourglass is falling We hang in the balance one by one Turn from you ways the voice is calling And fear the end of the age Fear the end of the age The end of the age
  17. The Browns reportedly just spent more than $100M to completely retool their O-line I'm not sure what to make of all this. This is the Browns we're talking about, isn't it?
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