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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. We can change our own user names, can't we?
  2. From our old friend Bunneh: A young Irish girl ran away from home. Some years later she returned and threw herself at her father's feet. "Forgive me, da', for I've brought shame to the family name. To survive, I became a prostitute!" "You're no child o' mine!" the father angrily shouts. "But da', I became very good at what I did, and I saved all me money to bring home to you. Look, I've brought you 10,000 pounds!" Father stares at the money and, amazed, asks "What did you say you became?" "A prostitute," the girl answers tearfully. "Oh, come into my arms my darling girl! For a minute there, I thought you'd said 'Protestant'!"
  3. In my ideal world, congressional districts would b drawn by politically-disinterested mathematicians using population figures and nothing else. But that's just me.
  4. My favorite Bruce Willis movie is "The Fifth Element".
  5. Cancer has been trying for years to get a court order to have that video released to the public. Heaven only knows why.
  6. If it was, it must have been Jeff's fault, right?
  7. Has the dawn ever seen your eyes? Have the days made you so unwise? Realize, you are. Had you talked to the winds of time, Then you'd know how the waters rhyme, Taste of wine, How can you know where you've been? In time you'll see the sign And realize your sin. Will you know how the seed is sown? All your time has been overgrown, Never known. Have you walked on the stones of years? When you speak, is it you that hears? Are your ears full? You can't hear anything at all. -- The preacher said a prayer. Save every single hair on his head. He's dead. The minister of hate had just arrived too late to be spared. Who cared? The weaver in the web that he made! The pilgrim wandered in, Commiting every sin that he could So good... The cardinal of grief was set in his belief he'd saved From the grave The weaver in the web that he made! The high priest took a blade To bless the ones that prayed, And all obeyed. The messenger of fear is slowly growing, nearer to the time, A sign. The weaver in the web that he made! A bishops rings a bell, A cloak of darkness fell across the ground Without a sound! The silent choir sing and in their silence, Bring jaded sound, harmonic ground. The weaver in the web that he made! -- Clear the battlefield and let me see All the profit from our victory. You talk of freedom, starving children fall. Are you deaf when you hear the season's call? Were you there to watch the earth be scorched? Did you stand beside the spectral torch? Know the leaves of sorrow turned their face, Scattered on the ashes of disgrace. Every blade is sharp; the arrows fly Where the victims of your armies lie, Where the blades of brass and arrows reign Then there will be no sorrow, Be no pain.
  8. I do a great Bruno Mars impression. Don't believe me? Just watch.
  9. Q: Why did the VIPER agent cross the road? A: He was being chased by the chicken.
  10. Depends on where you look. (And with whom.)
  11. L. Marcus has been cataloging diseases of gnomes, sprites, pixies, and other fae creatures for several months now.
  12. I'm pretty sure it's easier (and cheaper!) just to find gold.
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