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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. Or, from another perspective, there are 10 kinds of people: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.
  2. "Have fun storming the castle, boys!" "You think it'll work?" "It would take a miracle. Bye bye!"
  3. We only have numbers for quarters, not names.
  4. I think the Republican 'plan' to repeal and replace ACA ultimately failed because: A. There was never a 'plan' to begin with; nobody ever really had a clear idea what they wanted other than "Not Obamacare". B. A bunch of GOP Congresspersons suddenly realized that legislation that would result in millions of Americans (read: Angry Voters in 2018) suddenly losing their health insurance was political suicide. It gives me a sliver of hope that maybe there are a few grown-ups in the Republican Party after all.
  5. Yet another iteration of math jokes?
  6. "After all, even in Egypt the pharaohs Had to import Hebrew braceros..."
  7. Anyway, I'm now on Spring Recess until April 3rd. The Tournament of Heroes will take a break until that time as well. Once I'm back, we'll start qualifying voting for the Open Class Tournament of Heroes.
  8. All right, folks, we have our champions! in the Street Level Tournament of Heroes! In third place, Luke Cage! In second place, Batman! And our Champion, compliments of the Whim of Fate . . . Green Arrow!
  9. aylwin13, your current avatar confuses the heck out of me every time I see it. There, someone had to say it.
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