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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. Q: Um, Professor, why did you give me an F- on my homework assignment? A: Technically speaking, tequila is a solution.
  2. Bazza finally found a way to make ends meet, only to discover that his life had become a Möbius strip. This is why he can only ever see one side of an issue.
  3. I think your view on the subject is slightly askew.
  4. Isn't the point of asking questions to seek answers?
  5. Let's also take a moment to recognize The Giver by Lois Lowry. What would the world be like if there were no pain, no disease, no war, and no sadness? The book explores this question by presenting a community where these things don't exist--but neither does individuality, opportunity, or free will. Spoiler Alert: A world without pain and suffering would suck. As a Latter-day Saint, I find this book an interesting allegory for the question of why agency is the central facet of the human experience.
  6. I have two recommendations for the letter G, both by C.S. Lewis. The Great Divorce is presented as a dream of a man who awakes to find himself in the suburbs of the City of Hell. Some time later, he meets some other people and learns about a bus that will take them on a day trip to Heaven. Furthermore, he is told that anyone who wants to stay in Heaven once they arrive will be allowed to do so. After arrival, he observes several of his fellow passengers and their experiences, and to his astonishment, most of them eventually get back on the bus for various reasons. The story is an interesting allegory about what Heaven really is, and the true price of admission. A Grief Observed is a nonfictional account of Lewis' struggles with the illness and death of his wife. Taken from his journals of the period, the book chronicles his journey through anger, depression, and ultimate acceptance, all in the context of his Christian faith. He reveals so much of himself, it is both soul-rending and also life-affirming. It is perhaps the most courageous book I've ever read.
  7. The better you are at procrastination, the less you have to be good at anything else.
  8. As the saying goes, talent covers a multitude of sins. (See Colin Kaepernik, above.)
  9. How can I answer such questions if I don't know who he is?
  10. That seems to be the writer's impression as well.
  11. ...and according to a recent Yahoo! Sports report, the real reason nobody has signed Colin Kaepernik yet is because of his vegan diet.
  12. Q: Etrigan had a pet?! A: Even quantum mechanics doesn't explain that.
  13. Does the -3 Off Hand penalty apply with plungers, too?
  14. They see me mowin' My front lawn I know they're all thinking I'm so White N' nerdy Think I'm just too white n' nerdy Think I'm just too white n' nerdy Can't you see I'm white n' nerdy Look at me I'm white n' nerdy! I wanna roll with- The gangsters But so far they all think I'm too white n' nerdy Think I'm just too white n' nerdy Think I'm just too white n' nerdy I'm just too white n' nerdy Really, really white n' nerdy First in my class here at M.I.T. Got skills, I'm a Champion of D&D MC Escher that's my favorite MC Keep your 40 I'll just have an Earl Grey tea My rims never spin to the contrary You'll find that they're quite stationary All of my action figures are cherry Stephen Hawking's in my library My MySpace page is all totally pimped out Got people begging for my top 8 spaces Yo I know Pi to a thousand places Ain't got no grills but I still wear braces I order all of my sandwiches with mayonnaise I'm a whiz at minesweeper I can play for days Once you see my sweet moves you're gonna stay amazed, my fingers movin' so fast I'll set the place ablaze There's no killer app I haven't run At Pascal, well, I'm number 1 Do vector calculus just for fun I ain't got a gat but I got a soldering gun "Happy Days" is my favourite theme song I can sure kick your butt in a game of ping pong I'll ace any trivia quiz you bring on I'm fluent in JavaScript as well as Klingon Here's the part I sing on They see me roll on, my Segway! I know in my heart they think I'm white n' nerdy! Think I'm just too white n' nerdy Think I'm just too white n' nerdy Can't you see I'm white n' nerdy Look at me I'm white n' nerdy I'd like to roll with- The gangsters Although it's apparent I'm too White n' nerdy Think I'm just too white n' nerdy Think I'm just too white n' nerdy I'm just too white n' nerdy How'd I get so white n' nerdy? I've been browsing, inspectin' X-men comics you know I collect 'em The pens in my pocket I must protect 'em my ergonomic keyboard never leaves me bored Shopping online for deals on some writable media I edit Wikipedia I memorized "Holy Grail" really well I can recite it right now and have you ROTFLOL I got a business doing web sites When my friends need some code who do they call? I do HTML for them all Even made a homepage for my dog! Yo! Got myself a fanny pack they were having a sale down at the GAP Spend my nights with a roll of bubble wrap POP POP! Hope no one sees me gettin' freaky! I'm nerdy in the extreme and whiter than sour cream I was in AV club and Glee club and even the chess team! Only question I ever thought was hard Was do I like Kirk or do I like Picard? Spend every weekend at the renaissance fair Got my name on my underwear! They see me strollin' They laughin' And rollin' their eyes 'cause I'm so white n' nerdy Just because I'm white n' nerdy Just because I'm white n' nerdy All because I'm white n' nerdy Holy cow I'm white n' nerdy I wanna bowl with- the gangsters but oh well it's obvious I'm white n' nerdy Think I'm just too white n' nerdy Think I'm just too white n' nerdy I'm just too white n' nerdy Look at me I'm white n' nerdy!
  15. Bazza collects old and out of print chemists.
  16. "I'm talking to you, professor poopypants."
  17. "I'll swallow your soul!" "Come get some."
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