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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. Results are now in for the White Regional! There were actually a couple of close matches in this one. Imagine my surprise. Anyhow, here are the matchups for the Round of 16: Power Girl (1) vs. Zatanna (5) Human Torch (3) vs. Big Barda (2) These matches will also be posted next Monday.
  2. Q - Sriracha-garlic candy cane, anyone? A - If only you could actually fly....
  3. Seize the initiative instead of rolling for it.
  4. Q: What kind of shoes do chickens wear?
  5. The First Round is complete in the Red Regional, and the matches were all blowouts. Maybe the other Regionals will result in a little more parity.... Anyway, the Round of 16 matchups in the Red Regional are: Spider-Man (1) vs. Wonder Woman (4) Wally West (2) vs. Iron Man (3) We'll start these matches on Monday of next week. Thanks for your votes!
  6. And while we're here, let's go ahead and reveal the final group of heroes, the Blue Regional! (Again, Spoilered for many pics.) I'll post these matches tomorrow. For now, go and vote on the White and Green Regional matches!
  7. And now let me introduce the Green Regional! (Spoilered for lots of pics.) Matches coming soon!
  8. Death Tribble is hiding from young children who think he's just a fuzzy egg.
  9. Don't make me get out my red pen.... (Actually, I don't use red pen, because I don't like red. I prefer green. Sometimes I'll use other colors, but it's usually green.)
  10. These tribbles are delicious! Say goodbye to world hunger! New Topic: Other uses for tribbles, besides eradicating world hunger and Presidential hairpieces.
  11. Q: There's a package waiting for you in the courtyard. Bring your oven mitts. A: The fading light will guide you home.
  12. I didn't need to know that. Not now. Not ever.
  13. A Centauri cookbook, with multiple ways to prepare Spoo.
  14. The White Regional matchups are now posted. Voting on these four matches will be open until Thursday afternoon. Remember, voting on the the Red Regional matchups continues until 5:00 EDT tomorrow. Coming tomorrow: The Green Regional!
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