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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. It appears to be locked. I'm not sure why. Let me chat with the Powers That Be.
  2. That was a GREAT little read! I have some things to think about...and some things to do. Thanks for the recommendation!
  3. Okay, I have one more recommendation under H: The Hundred Greatest Stars by James. B. Kaler. I had an Astronomy course as an undergraduate, years ago. I learned more from this book than I did from that class.
  4. Wow, we're already seeing some great debates in the Regional semifinals. Should be a fun couple of days!
  5. Stupid frelling autocorrect. I hate my phone sometimes.
  6. My 3.5-year-old discovered a pair of my d6 yesterday. After a little time with me, now he can count the pips. I've just taken the first step toward turning my son into a gamer.
  7. Bazza recently patented a special chicken feed that allows hens to lay Easter eggs that are already colored (excuse me, 'coloured') and decorated.
  8. aylwin13 won a fortune betting on giraffe racing...but then turned around and lost it all betting on the zebras.
  9. Jar-Jar Banks in carbonite. Sikozu in carbonite. Kes in carbonite. Senator Kinsey in carbonite. The entire Drazi species in carbonite. Well, you get the idea.
  10. And now, at last, we have the first round results from the Blue Regional--and the first ouster of a #1 seed! In a stunner, Aquaman beat The Thing on votes in a very tight match. Ben Grimm now gets to watch the rest of the tournament with Steve Rogers. The matchups in the next round will be: Firestorm (4) vs. Aquaman (8) Scarlet Witch (2) vs. Invisible Woman (3) These matches will be posted on Tuesday morning. Thank you all for your votes this week. We'll see you all back here on Monday!
  11. After an unanticipated delay, we now have the results of the first round matches in the Green Regional--including a big upset! Captain America was narrowly defeated by Optimus Prime, and will be watching the rest of the tournament from the sidelines. The Round of 16 will feature the following matchups: She-Hulk (1) vs. Jade (5) Barry Allen (3) vs. Optimus Prime (7) These matches will be posted on Tuesday of next week. Stay tuned for the results of the Blue Regional later today!
  12. Proof, if any were needed, that there's no practical limit to just how bad something can get.
  13. Dropped a decimal place. Eh, what's a power of ten between friends, anyway?
  14. One and a half grams of caffeine is rather a lot, isn't it?
  15. Results are now in for the White Regional! There were actually a couple of close matches in this one. Imagine my surprise. Anyhow, here are the matchups for the Round of 16: Power Girl (1) vs. Zatanna (5) Human Torch (3) vs. Big Barda (2) These matches will also be posted next Monday.
  16. Q - Sriracha-garlic candy cane, anyone? A - If only you could actually fly....
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