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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. And if we knew how many fewer people were laughing at it now, we could determine the half-life of the joke itself.
  2. Although it kind of feels like that when you find out how much a semester's worth of textbooks is going to cost you.
  3. Every thing's gonna be alright boys, Help is on the way Hold your head up high now, there's no need to cry now We're not running anymore Leave the politics behind boys, They're not working anymore There's so much more at stake here, it's make or break here Haven't we been here before Tell me what we're waiting for You gotta remember, you don't have to be afraid You still have the freedom to learn, and say what you want to say You gotta remember, don't let 'em take away The land we call the home of the brave Who sings the song of the people You don't hear it anymore I heard it late last summer, to the beat of a different drummer It never sounded quite like that before So you're trying to shake this feeling That trouble's right outside the door You lie awake each dark night, like a time bomb wound up too tight Like a storm in waiting, just offshore Tell me what we're waiting for You gotta remember, you don't have to be afraid You still have the freedom to learn, and say what you want to say You gotta remember, don't let 'em take away The land we call the home of the brave
  4. L. Marcus submits all his lab reports in iambic pentameter.
  5. Similarly: It is impossible for a man to learn something he is convinced he already knows.
  6. I'm borrowing this for the Book of Face, if you have no objection.
  7. Cancer once derived a formula for determining the hypervolume of a 4-dimensional Klein bottle, but mistakenly threw it away after a night of drinking pandimensional whiskey.
  8. I regret nothing. Except the rabies shots.
  9. It looks suspiciously like a cardboard box decorated with markers by a seven-year-old and his stuffed tiger. New Topic: A nefarious supervillain has devised a machine that swaps any two heroes' powers! Who does he target, and what happens when he does it?
  10. So far, the results have tended to reinforce the "People with powers" (Marvel) vs. "Gods with off-switches" (DC) mentality that seems to surround online discussions of the two companies. And it makes sense. In Champions terms, most DC characters are just built on more points than their Marvel counterparts. It will be interesting to see how the Unlimited tournament goes, though.
  11. Kaeto invented a men's cologne that drives women wild. It smells like money.
  12. Everyone wants a mobile phone number from the Czech Republic.
  13. All right, ladies and gentlemen, we have our Final Foursome! Our Regional winners are as follows: Red: Wonder Woman! Green: Barry Allen, The Flash! Blue: Firestorm! White: Power Girl! The Final Foursome matches will be posted on Monday: * Power Girl vs. Wonder Woman! * The Flash vs. Firestorm! Polls go up Monday morning! (And once again, Marvel is watching from the sidelines.)
  14. Wally West: 4 + 9 = 13 Wonder Woman: 11 + 8 = 19 Wonder Woman is the Champion of the Red Regional!
  15. The last time I was buying textbooks regularly (2005 or thereabouts), one could rarely find even a used textbook for that little.
  16. $73 for a textbook--even a softcover--is a steal these days.
  17. L. Marcus was born on February 32nd (quadruple leap year).
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