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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. Interesting op-ed piece from USA Today: An unsigned Colin Kaepernick is a bad sign for NFL From the article:
  2. My first programming language was, of course, Basic. I got to be pretty good at it. When I graduated to other languages, I was shocked and dismayed that I could no longer rely on my trusty GOTO statements. I eventually got over it. I consoled myself by singing "We all live in a yellow subroutine...."
  3. I used to know some FORTRAN. A little Pascal and some Modula-2, as well.
  4. There are a few kernels of wheat in that article, but to my mind, it's mostly chaff. I nearly quit reading at the beginning of the second paragraph when the author said, "No one is attacking science"--an assertion which is demonstrably untrue, at least in America, today.
  5. Q: Of course I'm a Saint! I play linebacker for New Orleans! A: I swear he was a baby just last week.
  6. They did, finally. I still have no idea why the code I originally wrote never worked, though. Since this was my final project, and I was able to present it successfully, I suppose it doesn't matter now.
  7. Wow. You did exactly what I asked you to do. Which, in the context of this thread, constitutes failure. Well played.
  8. Star Trek is at least unintentionally funny sometimes. Futurama is pretty much never funny. Trek wins. Battle of the Deep Space Franchises: Star Trek: Deep Space 9 vs. Babylon 5
  9. "Sir, the truth is, I talk to God all the time, and, no offense, but He never mentioned you."
  10. "Put that thing down. You look ridiculous."
  11. I just spent over an hour with my professor to write three lines of code. Just shoot me.
  12. "Those who live in glass houses should dress in the basement."
  13. Maybe we should include Karma and Voodoo in the Unlimited Class tournament.
  14. If that's wrong, I don't want to be right.
  15. Q - What do you mean, "God told me to stop being Catholic"? A - It's not the worst I've ever had. I was in the ICU for three weeks once.
  16. Q: You promised them you would quit after only three terms? But that was seven terms ago! A: Twenty-three tonnes of potassium benzoate.
  17. Okay, the closing of the final matches were unavoidably delayed, but we have our winners! The Bronze Medalist, by virtue of a convincing defeat of Firestorm is . . . Power Girl! Taking the Silver Medal is the one and only . . . Wonder Woman! And our champion, winning an improbable victory against the Princess of the Amazons is . . . Barry Allen, The Flash! Thank you to everyone who voted! We'll start qualification and seeding for the Unlimited Class tournament next week!
  18. The Flash: 9 + 5 = 14 Wonder Woman: 7 + 2 = 9 The Flash pulls off the upset and wins the Open Class Championship!
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