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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. Death Tribble ate my last granola bar. I will have my vengeance, in this world or the next.
  2. Even the other countries that are fracking? Or is that just us?
  3. I'm sorry, but this contest is invalid. There is only ONE Kirk, and it's William Shatner. Battle of the Underappreciated Starfleet Captains! Captain Janeway (ST:V) vs. Captain Archer (ST:E)
  4. So, apparently the French are smarter than we are now.
  5. Both are pure evil, though it would be entertaining to see Darth Maul decapitate a bunch of the furry buggers. Sibling Rivalry: Violet "Little Miss Disappear" Parr vs. Dashiel "The Dash" Parr
  6. That's the threat now. Thirty years ago, it was nuclear war. Heck, it may be nuclear war again in thirty years. For some reason, our species seems to exist along a thin line between self-destruction and incompetence. We have the capacity--and, by all appearances the desire--to remove ourselves from the planet, but we never quite succeed in doing so. On the other hand, it's possible that I'm just delirious from being awake since 3:30 this morning and am spouting nonsense. Perhaps I should just go to bed.
  7. They are rather like the undead, aren't they?
  8. Isn't it more efficient to eliminate them all at once?
  9. Millennium Falcon. She may not look like much, but she's got it where it counts. Classic Movie Showdown: Citizen Kane vs. The Maltese Falcon
  10. Bloody peasants. In some ways, Lavoisier is a classic example of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. His education, wealth, and connections allowed him to conduct experiments that nobody else could, which lead to many breakthroughs. And, sadly, to his death. (Damn you, Marat.) Had he lived in England, he might have lived another 20 years. Who knows what he could have come up with in that time? It's also worth noting that much of what we know about Lavoisier's work comes from his wife, who was his lab partner and was not guillotined.
  11. Let's not get Simon involved in this thread too, shall we?
  12. At long last, here we are. The Unlimited Class. The biggest, baddest, most powerful heroes in the universe(s). Gods among men, living forces of nature, wielders of vast cosmic power--it all comes down to this. Choose as many or as few heroes from the lists above as you feel are worthy. Voting will continue until Friday, May 12th at 5:00 p.m. EDT. After that, the top 24 heroes (approximately) will be seeded in two 12-hero brackets to determine who is the greatest, most powerful hero in all of creation. The rest of this thread is provided as a place to debate, discuss, and generally make your case for he heroes you most want to see represented. You've got 96 hours, give or take. Make it count!
  13. aylwin13's best friend in middle school was Yoko Ono's love child by Bob Dylan.
  14. This battle involves two hits: Val hitting Daniel, and Daniel hitting the floor. Sausage Party! Italian sausage vs. Bratwurst
  15. From a joke I heard a while back: "My Mom is such a pessimist that if there were an Olympics for pessimism, she wouldn't fancy her chances."
  16. Got an A in my Astrophysics/Programming class! (Yes, I am aware of the irony and/or inappropriateness of posting such news in this thread. I just figured it was a good way to wrap up all the programming talk and get back to failure in general.)
  17. In a twist, Deadman possesses Ghost Rider and unleashes his Penance Stare on the whole world. We all lose. Sandwich Time: Peanut butter & jelly vs. Grilled cheese
  18. The Borg. Because Vista is just evil. Next up: RL 20th Century warships with player character skippers: USS Johnston DD-557 versus SMS Emden
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