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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. Q: What's the difference between in-laws and outlaws?
  2. I have a compass that used to belong to Alfred Hitchcock. It points north by northwest.
  3. L. Marcus was Dolph Lundgren's understudy in the Expendables movies.
  4. Ginger is as useless as a chocolate teapot. Mary Ann all the way. Big Burly Blonde Actors: Dolph Lundgren vs. Rutger Hauer
  5. You know what? I'm going to give it to Grond, just because he has the most convoluted origin story ever. Extinction Level Events: Supervolcano eruption vs. Giant meteor impact
  6. John Denver. "Annie's Song" is one of the great love songs of its day. Colonel O'Neill's Dilemma: Cerulean or Periwinkle?
  7. I only have eye for you I love your skin so blue (Mmm, I do) I love the way you slither when you come up to the door I love the trail of slime you leave across the hardwood floor I used to love the pretty monsters, scaring me to death But now they're just a dime a dozen, hardly worth my breath For you are my scream come true And I only have eye for you I only have eye for you Oh, your kisses taste like glue Your snaky hair keeps waving in the moments when we're kissing Are you whispering, "I love you," or is it just your hairdo hissing? I love to rub your aching feet, to me they look identical I love to take you dancing and sweep you off your tentacles For you are my scream come true And I only have eye for you
  8. I've long felt that energy independence should be one of our highest national priorities. Our biggest weakness right now, aside from our current leadership issues, is our ridiculous dependence on hostile foreign governments.* How much money do we send each year to countries like Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Venezuela for energy? Screw that. The problem, at least as I see it, is that energy independence requires both sides of the political aisle to agree to do some things that neither will do. It will, at least in the short term, require more drilling here at home. The Democrats are never going to go for that. It will also require a substantial investment into renewable energy technologies. The Republicans are never going to go for that. And nuclear power is probably going to have to be a part of any long-term solution as well. Nobody's going to go for that. So we will continue to pay other countries to solve our energy problems, because we don't have the will to do it ourselves. Make no mistake, we have the resources. We just won't use them. -- * Our unpayable debt to China is, of course, an even bigger problem, but that's a discussion for another day.
  9. Will you be taking Stewart Copeland's place?
  10. Like a shipwrecked mariner adrift on an unknown sea Clinging to the wreckage of the lost ship Fantasy I'm a castaway, stranded in a desolate land I can see the footprints in the virtual sand Net boy, net girl Send your signal 'round the world Let your fingers walk and talk And set you free Net boy, net girl Send your impulse 'round the world Put your message in a modem And throw it in the Cyber Sea Astronauts in the weightlessness of pixelated space Exchange graffiti with a disembodied race I can save the universe in a grain of sand I can hold the future in my virtual hand Net boy, net girl Send your signal 'round the world Let your fingers walk and talk And set you free Net boy, net girl Send your impulse 'round the world Put your message in a modem And throw it in the Cyber Sea Let's dance tonight To a virtual song Press this key And you can play along Let's fly tonight On our virtual wings Press this key To see amazing things To see amazing things Like a pair of vagabonds who wave between two passing trains Or the glimpse of a woman's smile through a window in the rain I can smell her perfume, I can taste her lips I can feel the voltage from her fingertips Net boy, net girl Send your heartbeat 'round the world Let your fingers walk and talk And set you free Net boy, net girl Send your impulse 'round the world Put your message in a modem And throw it in the Cyber Sea
  11. I'm not certain exactly what the entrance criteria for Heaven may be, but I'm pretty sure the requirements for Hell involve standardized tests.
  12. Great news, everybody! Aaron Hernandez isn't a convicted murderer anymore!
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