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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. If the Warners upgrade Darkseid to "special friend" status, it's over. Actually, it's probably over anyway. Remember, these are the folks who beat Death in a game of checkers. Lost in the Woods: Starvation or hypothermia?
  2. Q: That's not a political platform. That's just a load of bull****! A: I apologize for any inconvenience.
  3. When people ask me to pick a number between 1 and 10, sometimes I'll say "The square root of thirteen" just to see what they'll do.
  4. Does a process like that require assembly language?
  5. It took 48 hours to manifest, but the side effects of Colchicine are precisely as advertised.
  6. Death Tribble is afraid of the dark. But not as afraid as the dark is of Death Tribble.
  7. Well, it is being applied to Tom Brady....
  8. "Man, I'd give my right arm to be like that guy from Def Leppard!" New Topic: What your favorite superhero is doing for his or her mother for Mother's Day.
  9. Strangely, that sounds like a perfectly healthy response to me.
  10. Aside: If the only choices we have in an election are differing degrees of evil, are we not forced to conclude that we're living in a Hell of our own making? Okay, back to Comey and the Russians.
  11. I never intended it to go this far, of course.
  12. In other news, I may not have a chance to look at this closely until tomorrow morning. With luck, we'll get another voter or three and the 245th spot issue will take care of itself. If not, then I'll probably post a run-off poll to determine the last spot. FYI next week is going to be busy for me due to administration (and grading) of final exams, plus it's my birthday. So as much as I'd love to say I'll have everything up and running smoothly next week, I just can't promise that. But I'll try. Or at least, I'll try to try.
  13. Who should run the FBI? Sen. Mike Lee suggests Merrick Garland, the man Republicans refused to consider for the Supreme Court One of my state's Senators, ladies and gentlemen.
  14. He offered them a good right arm To help them save the family farm For their dough, he was damn near good as rain Then came the time for them to choose An offer they could not refuse With easy outs and capital gains No one has a suspicious feeling You really couldn't call it stealing He did it with a style most would admire But he had picked them off like a bird on a wire He had opened fire on the bird on a wire A nudge, a wink, and they'd be getting higher He whipped out his fountain pen while the tears were getting drier And then he picked them off like a bird on a wire There ain't a kid with a BB gun Or an alley cat with room to run Who could put them down like they was out for hire Yeah, he could pick them off like a bird on a wire He went golfing every day They voted while he was away Though technically he's Chairman of the Board They had become avaricious Leaving him to do the dishes They introduced him to his new landlord Who told him his time came and went Their office in the Orient Would send him checks, for soon he would retire Yet they had picked him off like a bird on a wire They had opened fire on the bird on a wire He was sinking, they were getting higher They polished up their Macintosh while his ass was in the mire And then they picked him off like a bird on a wire There ain't a kid with a BB gun Or an alley cat with room to run Who could bring them down like they was out for hire Yeah, they can pick them off like a bird on a wire
  15. Moving on to the letter J: The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling. "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi" was one of my favorite short stories growing up.
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