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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. The Question, by virtue of having been voiced by Jeffrey Combs in JLU. Sweet Dilemma: White chocolate or Dark chocolate?
  2. The better one is at procrastination, the less one has to worry about being good at anything else.
  3. Bent triatomic. Tetrahedral is also acceptable.
  4. Death Tribble owns a huge amount of stock in Spotify and is covertly using this thread as a means of generating business and driving up revenues.
  5. Chaffetz has his subpoena pen ready. Well, that's just dandy.
  6. Zzzax is a force of nature. Electro is just some guy in a clown suit. Zzzax wins. Noble Warrior Race Guy Faceoff: Worf (Trek) vs. Teal'c (SG-1)
  7. One of them accidentally drops a small package labeled 'Po-210'. New Topic: President Trump has just appointed a new head of the FBI: Foxbat. What are the results?
  8. Are you surprised that anyone is interested?
  9. On the other hand, the fact that he is the President is pretty unfair to the rest of us.
  10. Isn't asking the entire point behind this thread?
  11. It feels that way some days, you know?
  12. I'll take it! (In fairness, you didn't specify preferred units....)
  13. Someone should demand to see his birth certificate.
  14. How many d6 of Luck do you need to be considered lucky?
  15. Anyone who stands opposite the force of gravity?
  16. The original rumor was that he was going to try to unseat Orrin Hatch in the Senate (which somebody desperately needs to do). But that has since been replaced with the idea that he would run for Governor. I'm not sure which prospect I find more frightening. Actually, that's not true. Our current Governor, while a solid Republican, is also a moderate and a pragmatist. He's stood up to the Right-wing hard-liners on more than one occasion. I think he's done a good job. The idea of him being replaced a Tea Party ideologue like Chaffetz is unpleasant at best.
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