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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. What rhymes with orange?
  2. You'd think that people would have had enough of silly love songs.
  3. Odin is there to do battle. Zeus is likely to be distracted by the first pretty face he sees on the way to the fight. Odin wins. The most important question of all: Cake vs. Pie
  4. My plan is to post first round matches tonight or tomorrow.
  5. And at last, the crème de la crème of the universe's most powerful heroes. The top eight seeds in the Unlimited Class are: These eight heroes have first-round byes. Who will emerge to face them?
  6. Okay, here's the middle third of the Unlimited Class bracket. These heroes will technically be favored in the opening round. Who will advance, and who will fall? We shall see!
  7. Okay, I'm here to announce the seedings for the upcoming Tournament of Heroes - Unlimited Class. Starting with the bottom third of he tournament (spoilered for size), we have: These folks will be fighting to pull off upsets in the first round. Who will advance? Only YOU can decide! (Well, you and the Whim of Fate, of course.)
  8. Sorry for the delay, folks. I've got all my final exams graded, and anticipate finalizing grades tomorrow morning. After that, I'll start getting the tournament going. As for future tournaments, I hadn't really planned on doing such a thing anytime soon. But if someone else wanted to put together something like this (for non-Marvel and non-DC characters, for example), I would happily support it.
  9. Vulture, wings notwithstanding, is useless and has never been a serious threat. Penguin wins. Battle of the Ascended B-Listers: Penguins of Madagascar vs. Minions
  10. Antarctic. They have penguins! Breakfast Cereal Confrontation: Oatmeal vs. Cream of Wheat
  11. You're dead to me. /threadjack
  12. Listening to Vangelis' Heaven and Hell while grading final exams today. Seemed oddly appropriate.
  13. Fixed that for you. You're welcome. Walk it off. Dirt contains microorganisms that can only serve to make the problem worse. The Music of Cosmos: Vangelis vs. Alan Silvestri
  14. I just saw the first picture of one of the Manchester bombing victims. She could have been one of my students. What the Hell is wrong with people? Targeting children at a concert? What kind of corrupt ideology says that's okay? How mentally ill do you have to be to think that's okay? I don't even know what to say about this.
  15. A long haired man came to my door Wearing Roman sandals, carrying a golden sword He said "Come with me, and I'll take you higher" We soared out of the atmosphere On his magic carpet that he let me steer He said "Take the reins, son, and I'll let you fly her" We escalated through a thick of clouds And our only thought was not coming down Towards the amber glow I started to feel the fire There was a unicorn with a neon horn Wearing a velvet saddle that was slightly worn I pulled my mystic rug right up beside her I sat down on a floating stool She knelt her head and produced a jewel And I smiled and asked if I could ride her And I saw the lighthouse keeper His hollow eyes that pierced my soul He said that I'm just a desperate seeker Searching for what I did not know On Pegasus I was flying free Careless lost over a purple sea When I came upon this lonesome fortune teller She gazed into her crystal ball And I saw that giant gavel fall She asked if I could be her pall bearer And I heard that gypsy prophesy Of the tearing flesh and the mother's cry And the crimson flow of blood that would run forever We stood before the kings and queens And the hooded man with the guillotine And prepared to meet the eternal tax collector Then I dined there with an aristocrat On his balcony with a welcome mat And he laughed and drank all the wine from the cellar And I saw the lighthouse keeper His hollow eyes that pierced my soul He said that I'm just a desperate seeker Searching for what I did not know
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