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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. I ran into one of my former students today. She's now double majoring in chemistry and chemical engineering, which she attributes to having me as a teacher in high school. She said, "I was planning to be an English major before I took your class." Today's been a great day.
  2. The Peeps Oreos apparently turn your poo strange colors as well.
  3. Chick-fil-A has better food, and their frosted lemonade is amazing. But on my budget, it's going to have to be KFC. Weird Al Classics: "It's All About the Pentiums" vs. "White and Nerdy"
  4. See, now this looks both edible and delicious.
  5. I love Rocky Road. (So put another dime in the jukebox, baby.) Nice melons! Watermelon vs. Cantaloupe
  6. "Finding Dory" featured an octopus that was missing a tentacle. "Moana" featured a giant crab that had its leg torn off. Disney/Pixar needs to stop making movies that promote the exploitation of mutilated sea creatures.
  7. I'll be watching this draft with a great deal of interest. But I don't know if I'll be participating. We'll see.
  8. Where once was light Now darkness falls Where once was love Love is no more Don't say - goodbye Don't say - I didn't try... These tears we cry Are falling rain For all the lies You told us The hurt, the blame And we will weep To be so alone We are lost We can never go home So in the end I will be what I will be No loyal friend Was ever there for me Now we say - goodbye We say - you didn't try... These tears you cry Have come too late Take back the lies The hurt, the blame And you will weep When you face the end alone You are lost You can never go home You are lost You can never go home
  9. That's a triple run. Fifteen points, by my count. Sixteen, if it's the right jack.
  10. And I couldn't really partake if I were. Probably best that you finish it for me. The sentiment is certainly appreciated, though. This year was rough.
  11. Spent 3 hours and $300+ at the emergency room tonight because we have two children who can't communicate or follow instructions as effectively as a German Shepherd. Fortunately, both kids are okay.
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