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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. Thermodynamic Miracle vs. the Lion of Olympus! Dr. Manhattan (11) vs. Hercules (22) Venue: The Battleground The winner of this match will face Dr. Fate in the Round of 16. Voting closes Monday, June 5th at 5:00 p.m. EDT.
  2. Lord of Asgard vs. Protector from the Future! Odin, the All-Father (21) vs. Samaritan (21) Venue: Subterranea The winner of this match will face Thor Odinson (yes, really) in the Round of 16. Voting closes Monday, June 5th at 5:00 p.m. EDT.
  3. Alien Champion vs. Lord of Olympus! Beta Ray Bill (13) vs. Zeus (20) Venue: The Strip The winner of this match will face Dr. Strange in the Round of 16. Voting closes Monday, June 5th at 5:00 p.m. EDT.
  4. Battle of Mysteries! The Spectre (9) vs. The Phantom Stranger (24) Venue: The Bazaar at Luqana IX The winner of this match will face Jean Grey in the Round of 16. Voting closes Monday, June 5th at 5:00 p.m. EDT.
  5. The Future of Krypton vs. the Champion of Oa! Mon-El (16) vs. Hal Jordan (17) Venue: The Plain The winner of this match will face Superman in the Round of 16. Voting closes Monday, June 5th at 5:00 p.m. EDT.
  6. All right, I can now reveal the venues for the Unlimited Class Tournament of Heroes. (Spoilered for length.) I hope to post the first round of matches later today...kids willing.
  7. You've got someplace better to be...? (And yes, I do remember the exchange. As then, your ongoing patience is appreciated.)
  8. A better article than the title might suggest: 6 Things Juggalo Culture Teaches Us About Trump
  9. We saw it today, and loved it. To me, this is the first truly heroic DC movie since Superman II.
  10. There is no feed store in downtown Pagosa Springs, or at least there wasn't in 1975.
  11. Not Death. Ascension. Bazza knows more than anyone suspects. That's why every major intelligence agency on Earth has a file on him. But the files are largely empty, because nobody suspects how much he truly knows.
  12. Okay, now the work begins. If the denizens of our little world are going to survive and prosper, they're going to need some essentials. Like something to eat. 2nd pick -- Secondary Domain of Influence: Agriculture
  13. So now we are literally the only country on earth that is not part of the Paris Climate Accords and doesn't use the metric system. Yay us.
  14. Climate change deniers. Also anti-vaxxers, anti-GMO zealots, and young-Earth geologists. New Topic: Most underrated Beatles album, and why.
  15. Didn't ELP have a song about this?
  16. The way I look at it, the $300 wasn't for x-rays. It was for knowing that both of my kids were safe.
  17. Lady P found the missing battery! And there was great rejoicing in the land.
  18. 1st pick -- Primary Domain of Influence: The Classical Element of Earth
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