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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. At this point, Moana. Frozen has had a great run, but it's time to let it go. Alan Tudyk Characters: Duke of Wesselton vs. Hei-Hei the Chicken
  2. "As your doctor, I have to tell you that all of your health problems are due to the fact that you're horribly overweight." "I want a second opinion!" "You also have terrible personal hygiene."
  3. Kiwi birds or kiwi fruit? In either case, lamb wins. Tasty! Sesame Street vs. The Wiggles
  4. Learn from the mistakes of others. You'll never live long enough to make them all yourself.
  5. Always give 100%. Unless you're donating blood.
  6. I thought the Irish word for that concept was 'whisky'.
  7. I'm not sure I understand the word 'get' in this context.
  8. I've seen this referenced, but not actually selected. So I'm selecting it today. 4th pick -- Secondary Domain of Influence: Alchemy With no disrespect intended towards the Masters of Magic or Craftsmanship, Alchemy includes elements of both but is greater than either. It is the art of understanding the properties and attributes of various substances, and then using that knowledge to combine them to craft what you seek. Given that these substances come from the earth (minerals, plants, etc.), this seems an appropriate secondary domain for the Master of Earth. In the real world, Alchemy eventually evolved into the science of chemistry. Perhaps it will in our world, too.
  9. With due respect to Red Tornado, Machine Man was hilarious in NextWave: Agents of H.A.T.E. Poetry Smackdown: Edgar Allen Poe vs. Emily Dickinson
  10. Vesper had an actual personality. Battle of the Beverages: Sprite vs. 7-Up
  11. I had a dream last night that I went to dinner and a lecture with the other teachers in my department. The lecture was given by Hugh Laurie, and it presented the idea that American politics is now driven almost entirely by trolling. The ideal foundation for politics, he said, was rational, respectful, fact-based discourse. But now, our political discourse consists almost entirely of making fun of people we don't agree with. One thing I found particularly interesting: Laurie said that the internet has always been rife with trolls. Historically, these people have focused on things like race, gender, and sexual orientation. But now they have added anti-intellectualism and science denial to their arsenal. The easiest and surest way to get trolled online today, he said, was to post something factually accurate and scientifically verifiable. This would bring out the trolls in droves, and one would be inundated with angry and nonsensical (and, most likely, profane) comments for days afterward. In not sure why my subconscious decided to play this particular mental movie for me. But at least it was a nice dinner.
  12. You can buy Peanut Butter Crunch all year 'round. Not true (at least where I live) for Count Chocula. Peanut Butter Crunch wins. Cereals Part Deux: Life vs. Cinnamon Toast Crunch
  13. Kingpin suffers from delusions of adequacy. Lex Luthor all the way. The Big BBQ Question: Charcoal or gas?
  14. Kaeto invented Mississippi Mud Pie. (It was much better after he stopped using actual Mississippi mud in the recipe.)
  15. You're gonna love mine (assuming our Overlord doesn't shoot it down).
  16. The Master of Earth is nothing if not accommodating. To fulfill a request made earlier: Sentient Beings: Humans (You owe me one, War God.)
  17. The Strongest There Is vs. Cosmic Powerhouse! The Hulk (15) vs. Binary (18) Venue: The Bubble The winner of this match will face the Martian Manhunter in the Round of 16. Voting closes Monday, June 5th at 5:00 p.m. EDT.
  18. Mayhem on the Moon! Adam Warlock (10) vs. Swamp Thing (23) Venue: Luna City The winner of this match will face the Silver Surfer in the Round of 16. Voting closes Monday, June 5th at 5:00 p.m. EDT.
  19. Living Energy vs. Phoenix Force! Captain Atom (14) vs. Rachel Summers (19) Venue: Iota Space The winner of this match will face Captain Marvel in the Round of 16. Voting closes Monday, June 5th at 5:00 p.m. EDT.
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