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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. Q: What currency do Colonial Viper pilots use to pay for their coffee?
  2. Do people really even say that anymore?
  3. They can't, but it won't matter. Anything Comey says (and anything Trump tweets in reply) will only serve to enrage those who already dislike Trump, and will only cause his supporters to dig in even deeper. Status quo, Clarice.
  4. Me: "I've never been on the new TRAX [light rail] line to the airport. I'd like to ride it just to see what it's like." Lady P: "The airport? It's a big building with lots of planes." Both: "...but that's not important right now."
  5. Due to outages, I'm pushing the voting deadline for all Round of 16 matches to Thursday, June 8th at 5:00 p.m. EDT.
  6. Slightly less inhospitable than Planet P, though, right?
  7. Wasn't there an international tournament recently? How did Sweden do?
  8. L. Marcus enjoys cross country skiing. He once skied all the way across Russia.
  9. "Yes, I am an agent of Evil, but my duties are largely ceremonial."
  10. Q: Superman, is it true that you use your heat vision to shave in the morning? A: No, I don't think you're as dumb as you look. You couldn't be.
  11. Don't spend the day in a public laundromat with a germaphobe if you can help it.
  12. I'd like to see it through to the end. Give Logan our best, E84.
  13. Magic vs. Science! Dr. Fate (6) vs. Dr. Manhattan (11) Venue: Luna City The winner of this match will face either Captain Marvel or Rachel Summers in the Quarterfinals. Voting closes Wednesday, June 7th at 5:00 p.m. EDT.
  14. Avatar of the Gods vs. Heir to the Phoenix Force! Captain Marvel [billy Batson] (3) vs. Rachel Summers (19) Venue: The Bubble The winner of this match will face either Dr. Fate or Dr. Manhattan in the Quarterfinals. Voting closes Wednesday, June 7th at 5:00 p.m. EDT.
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