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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. I thought written language would be covered under "Universal language of trade". That's why I didn't bother with it.
  2. For all we know, 'naquadah' and 'uru' are just different names for the same substance....
  3. I also make my Interference pick today, at the expense of Dorrauch of the Silver Frost. (Sorry....) That the Continent of Storstein, Land of Eternal Winter, is the ancestral homeland of the Giants is of course well known. What is not as well known, however, is that there is a second sentient race living high in the mountains of the continent: 8th pick -- Interference: The Panserbjørne (or Armoured Bears) The Panserbjørne are expert metalworkers who use meteoric iron to fashion their armour. They are fierce warriors, and are incapable of being deceived. Of some irritation to Dorrauch is the fact that the Panserbjørne revere Ætheria (who sends them the the sky-iron) and Welond (who taught them to fashion it into their armour) above himself. What role does Pr'Jah play in all of this, and why? The answers are known only to the Master of Earth himself.
  4. Okay, two picks today and two picks tomorrow should wrap things up. I think. First, my Animal Vegetable Mineral pick. (Does this surprise anyone, really?) The mystical metal of Mithril has already been gifted to our young world, as well as Lift Crystals and others. Now I add another: 7th pick -- Animal, Vegetable, or Mineral: Naquadah With a little help from the Master of Science & Technology, the denizens of this world will one day come to understand how versatile and powerful this mineral is. Let us hope that the Master of Wisdom will gift them to be able to use it responsibly when that day comes.
  5. The Final Four of the Unlimited Class Tournament of Heroes is now up for voting. Coincidentally, our two semifinal matches will guarantee a Marvel vs. DC championship match! Marvel Championship: Jean Grey vs. Odin, the All-Father! DC Championship: Martian Manhunter vs. Captain Marvel! Voting on the semifinal matches will remain open until midnight EDT on Tuesday, June 13th. I will evaluate the results Wednesday morning, and post the Championship match (and the Bronze Medal match) at that point. Barring any outages or other unexpected issues (knock on wood), we should be able to wrap up this thing by the end of this week. Thank you to everyone who has participated, and let's make this last week memorable!
  6. Last Hero of Mars vs. Avatar of the Gods! Martian Manhunter (2) vs. Captain Marvel (3) Venue: The Ruins of El-D'rann The winner of this match will face either Jean Grey or Odin, the All-Father for the Unlimited Class Championship! Voting closes Tuesday, June 13th at midnight EDT.
  7. Phoenix Force vs. Lord of Asgard! Jean Grey (8) vs. Odin, the All-Father (12) Venue: Sky City The winner of this match will face either Martian Manhunter or Captain Marvel for the Unlimited Class Championship! Voting closes Tuesday, June 13th at midnight EDT.
  8. Martian Manhunter: 8 + 5 = 13 Adam Warlock: 1 + 3 = 4 Martian Manhunter overpowers Adam Warlock!
  9. Dr. Strange: 4 + 8 = 12 Odin, the All-Father: 6 + 8 = 14 Odin sees all and defeats Dr. Strange!
  10. Captain Marvel: 4 + 9 = 13 Dr. Fate: 7 + 4 = 11 SHAZAM! Captain Marvel moves on to the Final Four!
  11. Superman: 6 + 7 = 13 Jean Grey: 5 + 10 = 15 The Phoenix rises to defeat the Man of Steel!
  12. Jim Morrison and a homeless person.
  13. I have crossed the horizon to find you I know your name They have stolen the heart from inside you But this does not define you This is not who you are You know who you are Who you truly are
  14. Caddie is cute, but Donna is simply amazing. Got to give this one to Donna Troy. Disney Villain Showdown! Maleficent (Sleeping Beauty) vs. Ursula the Sea Witch (The Little Mermaid)
  15. Wow, I'm either three or four picks behind. I'll make one before I turn in for the night. Have you ever wondered why solving a mystery or revealing a secret are sometimes referred to as 'unearthing'? The term gives reverence to Pr'Jah, he who is Master of both hidden things and the earth itself. 6th pick -- Secondary Domain: Mysteries and Secrets
  16. Battle of Interplanetary Champions! Martian Manhunter (2) vs. Adam Warlock (10) Venue: Iota Space The winner of this match will face either Captain Marvel or Dr. Fate in the Final Four. Voting closes Saturday, June 10th at midnight EDT.
  17. Champion of the Gods vs. Lord of Order! Captain Marvel (3) vs. Dr. Fate (6) Venue: The Battleground The winner of this match will face either Martian Manhunter or Adam Warlock in the Final Four. Voting closes Saturday, June 10th at midnight EDT.
  18. Sorcerer Supreme vs. Father of Asgard! Dr. Strange (4) vs. Odin, the All-Father (12) Venue: Subterranea The winner of this match will face either Superman or Jean Grey in the Final Four. Voting closes Saturday, June 10th at midnight EDT.
  19. Last Son of Krypton vs. Avatar of the Phoenix! Superman (1) vs. Jean Grey (8) Venue: The Plain The winner of this mach will face either Odin or Dr. Strange in the Final Four. Voting closes Saturday, June 10th at midnight EDT.
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