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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. Krosp, because he hangs around with the Heterodyne. Dog day decision: Snoopy vs. Marmaduke
  2. Publish it anonymously on social media. Or incorporate it in a Google review of the publisher.
  3. Physical dice. I love the sound they make when you roll 'em. d20 vs. 3d6
  4. I think I just found a new favorite Old Testament scriptural reference.
  5. My guess is that the primary villain in WW2 will be a woman. Which one? Hard to say.
  6. Pariah => <= Pattern Ghost
  7. Stan Lee. Kirby never got mistaken for Hugh Hefner in a movie. Bus or train?
  8. The votes (and the Whims of Fate) have been tallied, and the Unlimited Class of the Tournament of Heroes has been decided. Third place: Jean Grey Second place: Martian Manhunter Champion: Odin, the All-Father So we wrap up, at long last, the Tournament of Heroes by crowning our first Champion from Marvel--and our first NPC Champion. Thank you to everyone who participated. You may now go back to your regularly scheduled lives.
  9. Martian Manhunter: 4 + 5 = 9 Odin, the All-Father: 9 + 11 = 20 Odin, the All-Father and Lord of Asgard, is the Unlimited Class Champion in the Tournament of Heroes!
  10. Captain Marvel: 5 + 5 = 10 Jean Grey: 8 + 4 = 12 Jean Grey takes the Bronze!
  11. Are we talking about my third period class? Because if so, I'm going to say 'mutant'--and not in a good way. Arnold Schwarzenegger or Dwayne Johnson?
  12. I've had that happen in my classes sometimes too, especially with graduating seniors. "I've got a D- without the final exam? I'll take it."
  13. Q: Why did the old lady fall into the well?
  14. The only companies offering to sponsor the tour were Geritol and Depends. New Topic: The X-Men have invited the Doom Patrol to play in their annual summer softball game. Who wins, and why?
  15. May Ann? Absolutely. Ginger? Meh. That girl was as useless as a chocolate teapot.
  16. Are you saying that the SMS Schwaben is some kind of forerunner to USS Voyager with its infinite supply of shuttlecraft? (Because that wouldn't be the craziest thing I've read today.)
  17. Gas. The equations are simpler. Buddy Holly or Elvis Presley?
  18. Perhaps monkeys have prostitution...?
  19. And you'll be Gilligan. What?
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