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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. The pilot and four of the first nine episodes overall were written by Stephenie Meyer. NEW TOPIC: You know you're in for a rough day when you see _____ on the morning train.
  2. It's great to hear from you again. Stay strong-- we're all pulling for you!
  3. I used to work for Browning, so that's my vote. Terrible Twos vs. Terrible Teens
  4. Wild scavenger dog versus movie theater? Hardly seems like much of a fight. Battle of the Armored Soldiers: James Rhodes vs. Juan Rico
  5. Some people like Jell-O with bananas in it, and some people don't. You don't, and that's fine. You are not required to like Jell-O with bananas in it, and you are not required to eat it. On the other hand, we are not required to make Jell-O without bananas in it just because you don't happen to like it that way.
  6. Two words: Tony Stark. If there were ever a superhero ready made for social media, it's Tony.
  7. Q: I'm going down to protest the new, more modest dress code at Hooters. Want to come? A: That's not a shotgun.
  8. I'll freely confess, Texas is not where I would choose to be in late June if it were up to me. You have my sympathies. Be well, Hermit.
  9. Looks like a classic example of "If it ain't broke, fix it until it is." I've never served in the military or NASA, but it seems to me that in such an organization, the uniform needs to convey quickly and easily what rank you're talking to. Those pips on the badge utterly fail to do that. "Are you ogling my chest!?" "No, ma'am, just trying to determine your rank. >gulp< Captain." (For my money, Enterprise had the best uniforms {and overall aesthetics} of any show in the franchise.)
  10. Star Trek: Discovery to ditch a long frustrating Trek rule tl;dr version:
  11. If his ankles were as bad as mine, would that make him Chimp Pimp with a Limp?
  12. "What in the name of Henry Cavendish and his big lead balls are you talking about?"
  13. I didn't know you were serious.... And it wouldn't have mattered if I had. You were doing a great job, and I wasn't about to interfere.
  14. Whine and cry about it, if past behavior is any indication.
  15. Krosp, because he hangs around with the Heterodyne. Dog day decision: Snoopy vs. Marmaduke
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