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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. You guys are just the pits, you know that?
  2. The Shroud is a vastly underrated character. Besides, Shadow Lass's costume is stupid. Lightshow showdown! Dazzler vs. Jubilee
  3. The difference between my thinking and my wife's thinking. Setting: Shop-Ko (a mid-level department store, two notches up from Walmart). Her: "What time is it?" Me: "8:33 p.m." My thinking: "...and we still need to get the kids home and in bed, and I need to get to bed because I have to get up at 5:00 for work. Let's pick up the pace." Her thinking: "Oh, good, the store doesn't close for another hour and a half! As long as I'm in the checkout line by then, we should be good." Patience is a virtue...I keep telling myself that....
  4. Saving this link for future reference (e.g., faculty meetings and professional development sessions).
  5. I'd like to steal this for the Book of Face (with appropriate recognition, of course).
  6. Actually, it just confirms that I'm Dad to two young children. And yes, I've seen the LEGO Frozen Northern Lights special. I've never seen so much lampshade hanging and fourth-wall shattering crammed into 22 minutes before. It was amazing.
  7. I want mine to say, "Made in Taiwan". In kanji, preferably.
  8. New York first, immediately followed by Los Angeles. We can figure out what to do with the leftover nukes after that. Mesoamerica vs. Polynesia, Part II: The Emperor's New Groove vs. Moana
  9. Should I order 6.02x1023 avocados, then?
  10. I've seen Frozen at least 50 times and listened to the soundtrack at least 50 more. I still enjoy both.
  11. Your routine annual physical reveals that you do, in fact, have radioactive blood.
  12. Don't dig for water under the outhouse.
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