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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. "Very interesting theory, but, you overlook one very important point. "And that is?" "Is stupid! Is most stupid theory I ever heard!"
  2. New South Wales. Marvel NOW! Bash Buddies! Thor vs. Hyperion
  3. A faceful of chlorine certainly makes a lasting impression.
  4. I dated a tennis player once. I had to break it off when I discovered that love meant nothing to her.
  5. Someone has to, right? I mean, this IS the internet, isn't it?
  6. The newly-revised procedure never specifically instructed the students to add the ethylenediamine to the reaction. And I didn't catch that fact as I skimmed over it. Net result: My students spent nearly two hours in the lab today turning cobalt (II) chloride into...cobalt (II) chloride. What a colossal waste of time.
  7. I'll take the easy out and go with Dr. Sagan's definition: Everything that is, or ever was, or ever will be.
  8. I've never seen a full episode of "The Big Bang Theory" or "Breaking Bad", but I'll happily watch a college football game involving teams I don't particularly know or like.
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