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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. Death Tribble is attempting to corner the market for brown shoe polish.
  2. Gyro Jim was a self-important windbag. Seeker for the win! Goofy Champions Villains: Foxbat vs. Merry Andrew (C.L.O.W.N.)
  3. Elvis didn't live long enough to be a Traveling Wilbury. Not Political, Just Colorful: Red vs. Blue
  4. Cancer has repeatedly declined to supply the White House with antimatter samples because they wouldn't confirm that the packages would be opened on-site.
  5. 11:38 p.m. It allows one more minute of sleep, at least in theory. Battle of Chicago: 25 vs. 6 to 4
  6. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Pigs don't have thumbs!
  7. I heard about a band called 999MB. They're still waiting for their first gig.
  8. Q: You brag about the weirdest things, don't you? A: It's not profane in that context.
  9. I didn't read A Wrinkle in Time until my mid-40s.
  10. Depends on which Musketeer. Actually, no, it doesn't. Zorro wins. Swords With Style: Excalibur vs. Luke Skywalker's green light sabre
  11. Alexx. Classic Country Outlaws: Willie Nelson vs. Waylon Jennings
  12. I can't really place Al Robbins, but he's got to be better than that plain-looking woman from X-Files. Most Overrated Sports Team Trifecta: New York Yankees vs. New England Patriots vs. Manchester United
  13. Q: I brushed down everybody at that table like you asked me to. There was no wool on any of 'em. A: Fluorine, radium, potassium!
  14. Okay, moving on the the letter M: Mad Science: Experiments You Can Do at Home - But Probably Shouldn't by Theo Gray The book is exactly what it says it is: experiments you can do at home, but probably shouldn't. And there's a second volume with even more of them. One of the experiments that I found particularly interesting was a way to cut steel with bacon. You'll just have to read it.
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