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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. Ms. Marvel. Kamala is totes adorbs...or something. Perchance to Dream: Insomnia vs. Narcolepsy
  2. Q: We need someone new to cover President Trump's next news conference. You're up! A: That's way too much dog food.
  3. Your powers are the result of your body's latent mutant reaction to an STD you contracted from a hooker. How are you ever going to tell your husband the truth?! New Topic: The next sci-fi franchise to get a prequel, and why. (The sillier, the better.)
  4. Q: Foxbat for President! What could go wrong? A: It's one giant atom, basically.
  5. Why do you say this to me when you know that I will kill you for it? /GeneralZodMode Tour De France, obviously. It's the premiere cycling event in the world for a reason. Earworms from Kids' Movies: "Can't Stop the Feeling" from Trolls vs. "You're Welcome" from Moana
  6. Okay, I've got a couple of recommendations for the letter N, both by Roger Zelazny. Nine Princes in Amber: The book that kicked off the whole Amber series (and its sequels and derivatives). It's the story of a complicated, often deeply flawed protagonist who, despite his otherworldly origins, is one of the most human characters in Fantasy. It was also my introduction to the Unreliable Narrator trope. A Night in the Lonesome October: Apparently someone bet Zelazny $50 that he couldn't write a story that would have people cheering for Jack the Ripper as the hero. Boy, was that guy wrong. Quirky, macabre, and witty, and told from the point of view of a dog to boot. It was Zelazny's last book, and arguably one of his best.
  7. Fire has Area Effect and Sticky. And accellerant is cheap. No Explanation Needed (or Offered): Purple vs. Orange
  8. Studebaker. Fozzie Bear never drove a Packard. Fictional Liquor! Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster vs. Romulan Ale
  9. Literally true, in this case. My parents' house in Colorado for four days, then a family reunion in Idaho for four more.
  10. 500 miles tomorrow. I hope we can get on the road before the crack of noon.
  11. I like Blade Runner better with the voice-over. Gives it a sort of film noir feel.
  12. Diana Orrock should be publicly censured for this. It's disgusting. In today's political world, I don't see it happening, though.
  13. I believe this phenomenon was called The Peter Principle, back in the day.
  14. It's not like you actually need a brain to be in the Senate these days. Too far?
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