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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. We drove about 2,000 miles about a week and a half ago, and regularly saw signs that said things like, "Next services: 57 miles".
  2. I'm sorry, what was the question? I'm afraid I lost focus for a minute there.
  3. I lived in a little town in West Virginia that had a church and a post office and a grocery store, but no gas station. If you ran out of gas in that town, you had to find a way to the next town 2 miles down the road in order to get gas. Don't ask me how I know this.
  4. That comment reflects poorly on you, I'm afraid.
  5. I hate it when people ask me where I see myself in 3 years. Come on folks, I don't have 2020 vision!
  6. Q: How does a cow feel after chasing a car for five miles?
  7. It's called "Civics by Social Media". Facebook/Twitter is viewed as equally authoritative as NBC/CNN/Fox News. And social media people are WAY more in touch than that middle-aged guy teaching Social Studies at the local high school.
  8. Smoke on the water...a fire in the sky....
  9. I can't imagine how you all are dealing with this. If the server goes down in my district for half an hour, it's like the end of the world as we know it.
  10. ...and I just discovered that someone I know is currently living in Winnemucca. Awkward.
  11. Better that than Cherenkov radiation from spent fuel rods.
  12. Booster Gold. Ted just doesn't have the powerset to keep up. Variation on a Theme: Booster Gold vs. Blue Beetle Jamie Reyes
  13. Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller? Frye? Frye?
  14. Q: Welcome to the aquarium! You're our new aquatic dentist, right? A: There's a chart for that. I've seen it.
  15. So it would appear. Don't worry, though. The Raiders will have many, many more opportunities once they make the move to Vegas.
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