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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. According to my friend the coffee expert, the only proper way to drink coffee is black. Not brown. Tragedies Galore! Hamlet vs. Macbeth
  2. This question came up on social media today: If it's appropriate to use tear gas, rubber bullets, and water cannons against Native American protesters in the Dakotas, then why not against white supremacists in Virginia? I expect I know the answer(s), but it's still worth thinking about.
  3. Last day of summer break. I'm all kinds of not ready to go back.
  4. This might sound weird, but I wanted to thank you all for carrying on a rational, respectful discussion. In the face of what's happening in Charlottesville right now, it gives me hope for the future to see people of different backgrounds and opinions trying to understand each other instead of resorting to yelling, name-calling, and threats. I don't know why, but these events have hit me harder than I expected. For really the first time, I've begun to despair for the future of my country, and the world my kids are going to have to grow up in. It's been hard for me to process. I've begun to succumb to cynicism about the fate of the United States and the world. So thank you for reminding me that there are still grown-ups out there who are genuinely interested in making the world a better place than it is today.
  5. Large dogs. Little yappy dogs are more useless than cats. Color Battle: Green vs. Purple
  6. I never thought I'd see the political situation in the United States get this bad. I feel like it's going to get worse before it gets better. If it ever gets better.
  7. Brazil has won five World Cups. Uruguay has only won two. Men in Black: Roy Orbison vs. Johnny Cash
  8. The Rams look a little weird with white horns on their helmets, especially with the jerseys and pants retaining the gold trim.
  9. I can't even wrap my head around what's going on in Charlottesville. We freak out when ISIS does these things overseas, and then we turn around we do them to each other here in America. There just aren't words for how sad that is.
  10. Real Salt Lake are having a profoundly mediocre season, having drawn their last three matches. With 10 matches remaining, they sit at 8th in the Western Conference. How many teams get into the MLS Playoffs these days anyway?
  11. Q: Good grief, is that Harley Quinn? A: Looks like it's raining burning brimstone again. Better get the hose ready.
  12. Ah, the Barrier Peaks. Such fond memories.... Choral Smackdown! Alto vs. Soprano (No gangster references, please.)
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