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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. Depends on whether you prefer earthquakes or hurricanes. Toss-up. Battle of the Stars! Betelgeuse vs. Eta Carinae
  2. A mole is 6.022 x 1023. I don't know how much a vole is. Number Play! π (pi) vs. i (√-1)
  3. 10/10/2010: South Carolina 35, Alabama 21 Rugby vs. Australian Rules football
  4. I've seen that before Haiku for each element Pure, distilled awesome
  5. Shakespeare. Stan Lee doesn't have a lightning pirate named after him. Comic Book Angst-a-palooza! Watchmen vs. The Dark Knight
  6. It's important to remember that 'fans' is short for 'fanatics', and in no case is that more literally true than for the Raiders. They'll be fine.
  7. Chargers fail to draw a bigger crowd than L.A. Galaxy for their preseason debut Same stadium on consecutive nights, ~4500 fewer fans for the Chargers. Not good.
  8. I heard this segment on NPR on the way home from school today: NPR's Robert Siegel talks to Mark Lilla, author of the book, The Once and Future Liberal: After Identity Politics, which looks at the failure of American liberalism over the past two generations. It's about eight minutes long, and definitely worth a listen. One segment I thought was particularly interesting went something like this: "Let's say you're canvassing in Missouri or Mississippi, and you come up to a door and you say, 'I'm from the Democratic party, and I'd like you to vote for us. But first, I have some tickets to give you. Here's a ticket for your [white] privilege, a ticket for being a racist, and a ticket for being homophobic. Hope to see you on Tuesday!' " Interesting observation from a self-proclaimed liberal, I thought. I wonder if the local library has a copy of the book yet. Edit: The book only came out today. It'll probably be a month before the library has it available.
  9. Plato? Aristotle? Socrates? Morons. Pythagoras for the win. Sword Fight Galore! Inigo Montoya vs. Darth Vader
  10. That's between you and the Greeks.
  11. Why is it always windy in Wyoming? Because Nebraska sucks. Useless Alien Races: Ferengi vs. Drazi
  12. Happy Pythagoras Day! 8² + 15² = 17²
  13. And so it begins: Three days of meetings that could just as easily be e-mails Professional Development. May Heaven have mercy upon my soul.
  14. I hope she's doing well. (I hope you're doing well, too.)
  15. "Because singing killed my Grandma, all right? Leave me alone."
  16. Q: Wait, you're the new starting quarterback for the Cleveland Browns?! A: I never thought I'd see that on Star Trek.
  17. Longships. Most of my ancestors were Vikings. Windy City Classic Rock Showdown! Chicago vs. Styx
  18. Q: That's the second biggest wiener I've ever seen! A: I wish I knew the answer to that.
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