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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. Q: You don't get a lot of second dates, do you? A: All I know is steak tastes better when I take my steak-tastes-better pill.
  2. Isn't using "grunge", "1990s", and "Seattle" in the same sentence redundant?
  3. Why did you have to bring that one up?
  4. Q: May I have the smoked kipper souffle? A: I don't know how to tell you this, but that's been out of circulation for a long, long time.
  5. Q: A solid gold swimming pool? That's a little ostentatious, don't you think? A: That? That's nothing. I do that every day.
  6. It was 1918. I typed the date wrong. Mea culpa.
  7. Stupid duplicate post. Please ignore.
  8. Minnesota is home to Prairie Home Companion and Little House on the Prairie. Florida is home to Florida Man. Clearly, Minnesota wins, despite the fact that the Vikings play there. Fabulous first officers: Commander Susan Ivanova (B5) vs. Major Kira Nerys (DS9)
  9. Again, Rhode Island isn't actually an island. Hawai'i is several islands. Hawai'i wins. Animated Aquatic Smackdown: Aquaman (JLU) vs. Maui (Moana)
  10. I found an article on ESPN on the subject. I haven't cross-referenced it for verification, but ESPN's research, at least in things related to sports, tends to be pretty solid. The song remains the same tl;dr version:
  11. Wait, the voices in your head sound like Bonnie Tyler?
  12. Utah. It's where my family is. Besides,the humidity in Georgia is hellish. Science Tools Smackdown: Ruler vs. Magnifying glass
  13. From the USA Today article: That's a little ominous.
  14. How long would it take to install a revolving door at the White House, do you suppose?
  15. Seriously, it's way past ridiculous at this point.
  16. In the wake of what happened in Charlottesville (and elsewhere), I expect that we'll see a lot of protests of various kinds this season. It'll be interesting to see what happens if/when Jerry Jones follows through with his threat to cut any player who doesn't stand for the national anthem.
  17. Donate it to a political candidate/party because they're finally going to be the ones the change the culture of Washington DC! New Topic: Foxbat's newest Master Plan™ involves next Monday's eclipse! What's the plan?
  18. Yes' recent 24-minute epic "Fly from Here"
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