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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. FYI to all concerned, California is NEVER the correct answer. Not ever. Both states have areas of great natural beauty, as well as areas of pure, mind-numbing desolation. You can at least grow alfalfa and corn in the desolate areas of Colorado. Snacks: Granola Bars vs. Potato Chips
  2. There's a lot of good information in that article. Thanks for the link.
  3. Oklahoma doesn't have one decent ski area. It does, however, have tornadoes. Lots and lots of tornadoes. Utah wins. Spectacular Seconds-in-Command: Samantha Carter vs. Susan Ivanova
  4. Good luck. There are undoubtedly things I hate more than looking for a new job, but I can't remember any at the moment. Probably due to lack of sleep.
  5. Now you're just being contrary.
  6. I literally cannot remember the last time I had a good night's sleep.
  7. 2018: Where did this wall come from, and what is 'Amontillado', anyway?
  8. Clint Barton, Oliver Queen, Katniss Everdeen, William Tell, Robin Hood, Legolas, Merida....need I go on? Martail Arts Madness: Kung-Fu versus Escrima
  9. I had to look it up--or would have, had you not already told us all what it was.
  10. Elvis Presley and Jimmy Buffett were both born in Mississippi. Winner. Battle of Powers I: Invisibility vs. Desolid
  11. Q: Your daughter made a manga depicting Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump in a tryst with a succubus?! A: When the rains have come.
  12. Delaware didn't let their university's football team fire their university's president. Delaware wins. State Slam 29±: Shock vs. Disappointment
  13. Presented without comment. Amid mounting bipartisan concerns, debating Trump's mental health becomes cottage industry
  14. d4s are useful as caltrops, but not aagainst intruders wearing boots or heavy shoes. d20s will cause just about anyone to slip and fall. Icosahedrons for the win. State Slam 28-1/2: State of Confusion vs. State of Denial
  15. The reporter on NPR this morning said that President Trump's speech last night was "pure incitement". She also expressed her fear that eventually people are going to get hurt at one of these things. What the actual...?
  16. Pirate cheerleader. I'm all about the booty. Fighter Showdown! Colonial Viper (BSG) vs. Starfury (B5)
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