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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. A properly executed pun is a thing of beauty, sometimes leaving people to cringe for hours afterwards. HIMYM Hotties: Aunt Lily vs. Aunt Robin
  2. Your honeymoon. NEW TOPIC: Comedians / sitcom stars who might actually make decent superheroes.
  3. Tough choice. One is a fat slob with no sense of morals or ethics, and the other's an alien.. The quarter says . . . Jabba. Classic Rock Showdown: "More Than a Feeling" by Boston vs. "Don't Stop Believing" by Journey
  4. Well, the Donkeys certainly tried to give that game away in the 4th quarter, but they couldn't quite do it. "Ball security", guys. Look it up.
  5. Make mine a double, please. Classic Rock Showdown: "Roundabout" by Yes vs. "Nights in White Satin" by The Moody Blues
  6. Shouldn't that word be spelled 'ciclops'? You know, with one 'i' ?
  7. I'm one of the 23 people on Earth who thought that Dennis Miller did a great job on Monday Night Football.
  8. Nothing in particular. I mean, for the kids to react at all, they'd have to be paying attention first.
  9. Honestly, the only thing Seth MacFarlane has ever done that I can stand to watch for more than 30 seconds is Cosmos. And he was just the money for that. There are many of you here whose opinions I trust. I'm relying heavily on you to help me determine whether The Orville is worth watching.
  10. So, are we gonna have an Orville thread?
  11. People wanted a calm, relaxing break from news about politics and the weather.
  12. If you ask me, and admittedly you didn't, having polls at all this early in the season is pointless. A whole bunch of teams haven't played anybody yet. If it were up to me, I would wait until the end of Week 4 and start issuing polls at that point.
  13. Cannonball. I always thought Sam was criminally undervalued. New Mutant Madness: Magma v. Sunspot
  14. A new science fiction novel decrying the dangers of mass media, censorship, and interpersonal isolation hits the bookshelves. It's entitled Kelvins 505.9. NEW TOPIC: The Kansas City Chiefs soundly defeated the New England Patriots on Thursday night. What other surprises can we expect from the opening NFL weekend? (Difficulty; the sillier, the better.)
  15. BYU is down 9-0 at the half. That's actually good news. As poorly as they've played, they could easily be down 28-0.
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