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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. Black beans. Refried pintos are blah. More Mexican Food: Enchiladas vs. Burritos
  2. The league went for a long time with 30, back before adding the Jaguars and Panthers. Two conferences with three divisions of five teams each. I seem to recall dire predictions about the dilution of the talent pool back in the day. I don't know that it ever materialized.
  3. What cities could we put a AAA football team in? You'd probably need cities that have (or are willing to build) a stadium that seats at least 15-20K. (I don't see NFL-AAA being more popular than college football, but it could be up there with MLS). Cities not already hosting an NFL franchise, obviously. Cities that have already shown they can sustain a professional (or major college) sports team. Easy access to transportation would be a necessity, too. Thoughts?
  4. Shall we drop them in some nitric acid and find out?
  5. Q: So, you finally got a date with that militant feminist you've been lusting after, did you? A: All the gold in California.
  6. Q: What evidence do you have that global warming is real? A: Get a half-life!
  7. Q: How do you milk a sheep? A: Offer a slightly upgraded version of the same phone and charge $700 for it.
  8. Cancer once invented a mixed drink he called "Starship Fuel". It's banned in 37 states, and the main reason Cancer doesn't live in Texas any more.
  9. Wouldn't a brass band be more effective?
  10. Q: Karl Marx wrote another book later in his career? A: There were red flags everywhere.
  11. Death Tribble was very disappointed that The Naked Lunch didn't involve anyone being naked at lunch.
  12. Both true. Still, it's hard to imagine that either would have left had they been successful (or, more to the point, profitable) in L.A.
  13. People have apparently forgotten that there's a reason two teams moved away from Los Angeles in 1994.
  14. "Promenade" from Pictures at an Exhibition by Modest Mussorgsky
  15. "Explain the process by which God placed dinosaur bones in the Earth. Cite relevant texts for full credit."
  16. I'd vote for the Flying Dutchman, but I can't seem to find it. Shipwrecks Ahoy! Titanic vs. Edmund Fitzgerald
  17. "Ever wonder what it would look like to watch a drunk baby try to walk? Just watch the BYU offense. It can't be much different."
  18. "Mars, the Bringer of War" from The Planets by Gustav Holst
  19. Lake Huron is larger and doesn't touch the city of Cleveland. (Sorry, Cygnia.) Battle of the Lakes 2½: Lake Bonneville vs. Lake Lahontan
  20. "Take a moment and introduce yourself to the person at your left. Now, take a moment and introduce yourself to the person at your right. Now, tell them goodbye, because they won't be here next semester." (Actually said by a professor in my best friend's freshman Chemistry class.) New Topic: Pariah's student are taking their first midterm exam the next two days. What surprising, bizarre, and/or unexpected outcome(s) will Pariah see?
  21. Let's go with a classic: Lots and lots of booze.
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