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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. Yes. To both. Now BYU gets a Friday night game in Logan against a Utah State team that just dropped 61 on San Jose State.
  2. Perhaps they should be made into movies. Gotta be better than most of the carp Hollywood's cranking out right now.
  3. As much as I R-E-S-P-E-C-T Etta James, it's got to be Aretha Franklin. Kings of Swing: Glenn Miller vs. Tommy Dorsey
  4. With some of the issues we've seen recently between players and the Commissioner--and by extension, the owners--I expect the next collective bargaining agreement is going to be particularly acrimonious. It wouldn't surprise me at all to see a work stoppage of some kind.
  5. You guys are confusing the issue with logic. Stop it. Also, I know nothing at all about Dragon Ball Z and practically nothing about GI Joe, so somebody else is going to have to answer that one.
  6. I think it's pretty much academic. I don't foresee any circumstance in which the NFLPA will agree to an 18-game season. As for me, I'd be okay with extending the season a bit to give teams two bye weeks. I'd also like to see the NFL adopt a rule like the PAC-12 uses: If you're playing a Thursday night game, you must have a bye the week before.
  7. Either way, you're knee-deep in $#!+. Chips Ahoy! Fish and Chips vs. Poker Chips
  8. Highs in the eighties That was just a week ago Frost on windshields now
  9. Let's see, a country run by a tyrant who somehow still thinks communism is a good idea, or country run by drug cartels? No winners here. A pox on both of them. Pick Your Plague! Flying locusts vs. Boils and sores
  10. Switzerland. They are famous for their chocolates--and their flag is a big plus. Insanity Inducement: The whining of a 3-year-old vs. POTUS' Twitter feed
  11. Death Tribble is opening a combination seafood restaurant and poker lounge later this fall. He's calling it "Fish and Chips".
  12. The Browns did actually win a game (singular) last season. That's one more win than Dick Dastardly has in his whole career, I believe. Who will win a championship first: Cleveland Browns vs. Los Angeles Clippers
  13. ...or go to an 18-game regular season, which idea seems to come up from time to time. Always at the suggestion of the owners, not the players, it's worth noting.
  14. D'oh! You are quite correct, of course. I had forgotten about Browns 2.0 and the Texans. So yeah, 28. That was a little awkward, with unbalanced divisions. For the record, I despise interleague play in MLB. Of course, I also despise artificial turf and the Designated Hitter. I might be a Luddite, at least in terms of baseball.
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