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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. And now we're relying on volcanoes to save us from hurricanes and other effects of climate change. Cool.
  2. ...and we've reached the point where Jerry Jones is the voice of reason in the NFL. I never thought I'd live to see the day.
  3. Here in the Barren Desert Province, we mix ketchup and mayonnaise (and a couple of other things) to make a local delicacy called Fry Sauce. You ought to try it sometime. Sci-Fi A-Z: Asimov vs. Zelazny
  4. Lady P's mom's actually pretty cool. Come Sail Away: Hawaiian cruise vs. Alaskan cruise
  5. As it now stands, I can't think of a good reason to watch either Star Trek: Discovery or The Orville. And I still haven't seen Rogue One.
  6. Body spray is an abomination. Take a **** shower, slackers! (Seriously, teenage boys who think dowsing themselves in Axe rather than showering are the worst kind of stench.) Things That Are Not A Stench: The smell of sizzling bacon vs. The smell of home-baked bread
  7. Well, at least we still have that.
  8. Lots of protests yesterday. Lots of idiotic and misguided vitriol on social media today. Sigh.
  9. I remember having to help someone with kudzu when I lived in West Virginia. They were almost convinced that it would just be easier to burn the whole property to the ground and rebuild.
  10. May Lolth have mercy upon our souls.
  11. L. Marcus helped get Cancer patched up. He demanded Cancer's soul as payment, but after some negotiation, agreed to one of Cancer's students' souls every sixth year.
  12. Subspace flare, obviously. Or maybe they borrowed ansible technology from the Buggers. Wait, wrong franchise....
  13. I don't ever wanna go back home again I don't ever wanna let this summer end You and me, we've got a lot in common We keep thinkin' there's this place to go You ask me, I say we oughtta keep drivin' So turn up that radio Let's stay out all night Again tonight Stay out all night Again tonight I don't ever wanna have to go to work for my Dad I guess that's about the only goal I've ever had I've got this feelin' that my stepmom hates me That gold-digger's got a worthless bone She stays drunk on rum and Pepsi, man She'll never notice if I'm not home Or out all night Again tonight Stay out all night Again tonight We don't have to answer to Anyone that we don't want to And we can do anything Yeah, we can do anything You and me, we've got a lot in common We keep thinkin' there's a place to go You ask me, I say we oughtta keep drivin' Hey, turn up that radio Stay out all night Again tonight Stay out all night Again tonight We can do anything I don't ever wanna go back home again
  14. If you're not in a position to use napalm, a machete would be an acceptable substitute.
  15. Either way, IKEA wins. Lost in Space! "Space Oddity" (David Bowie) vs. "Rocket Man" (Elton John) vs. "Major Tom" (Peter Schilling)
  16. Miley Cyrus should never be mentioned in the same breath with Joan Jett. Never. Music Theme: Numbers Matchbox 20 vs. Maroon 5
  17. Alabama, maybe? I mean, Alabama looks like they could win the AFC South....
  18. Nah. You probably just toss out some throwaway line.
  19. Um, did anyone tell the Ravens that today's game in London is an actual, regular season game, and not an exhibition?
  20. Cancer has a d20-sized chunk of neutron star matter in his safe deposit box.
  21. In this case, the Duke outranks the Count. More Golden Age Musical Magic: Louis Armstrong vs. Ella Fitzgerald
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