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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. As brass player, C is the easiest of those keys to play in. Dog Breeds: Labrador retriever vs. Dalmatian
  2. I hate autocorrect. Autocorrect can go straight to he'll. Dog Breeds: Labrador retriever vs. Dalmatian
  3. As of a few minutes ago, the Steelers had more first downs than the Chiefs had total yards. Nonetheless, Kansas City only trailed 12-3. Weird game.
  4. Roadrunner. Beep beep! Mark Knopfler vs. Sting
  5. Technically, it's the Baltimore Ravens that didn't exist until then. By mutual agreement with the NFL, the team left its name and history in Cleveland when they moved to Baltimore and became a new franchise.
  6. I'm actually wearing some rhodium right now, so we'll go with that. Being a Cleveland Browns fan vs. Living in a cave with no electricity, running water, or Wi-fi
  7. I've been a Denver Broncos fan since the mid-70s. I've seen them lose five Super Bowls, each loss more embarrassing than the last. For me, seeing a team I like do poorly isn't soul-crushing. It's just another day at the office.
  8. No interruptions when you're trying to get **** done.
  9. So Mississippi state was favored by 24 in today's game. To absolutely nobody's surprise, BYU failed to cover the spread. Now BYU enters tournament mode. The rest of their season is effectively a single elimination tournament to make it to the postseason. Lose one, and they're out. The good news for BYU is that none of their remaining opponents has a winning record. (Of course BYU doesn't have a winning record either, obviously.) The bad news is four of the six games are on the road, including road games on both coasts. It will be interesting to see how things all shake out--assuming they don't lose next week and end the suspense prematurely.
  10. There is something to be said for being in the office when no-one else is around. That's why I'm usually one of the first teachers in the building every morning.
  11. Oddly enough, I don't care for any of those things separately, but together they're quite tasty.
  12. Gold properties are superior in pretty much every way (except for reflective properties), but silver is a lot more affordable. Dressing: Russian vs. Italian
  13. Death Tribble is secretly a Chicago Bears fan.
  14. Chemistry, as biology is really just a special application of chemistry. Elemental Mischief Continued: Fire vs. Earth
  15. So #2 Clemson loses their starting quarterback, and then loses a road game to Syracuse. Who do I have to cheer for now to beat Alabama? Please tell me it's not USC.
  16. For action per minute, I'll take ice hockey. Those guys are constantly moving. They don't even stop play to substitute players.
  17. Today's biggest joke: The NCAA's credibility.
  18. To this day, my father refers to baseball as "18 minutes of action crammed into three hours of boredom". And he was a star baseball player in high school.
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