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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. I saw gluten-free water in the store a couple of weeks ago. Just sayin'.
  2. Ferengi are more interesting. For long hair: Braid vs. Ponytails
  3. So that's the reason we don't all spontaneously combust in the presence of highly-reactive oxygen.
  4. L. Marcus helped Cancer to get the drive in question running...and to evade the various intergalactic law enforcement agencies until the statutes of limitations expired.
  5. Bazza's identical twin isn't actually a twin. He's a time-traveling clone from a parallel universe.
  6. L. Marcus has an identical twin in the Philippines.
  7. Dragon. I'm old-school like that. It's the End of the World As We Know It: Nuclear war vs. Giant meteor
  8. Captain America hands out toothbrushes and those little tubes of toothpaste, because he doesn't want all the neighborhood kids getting tooth decay from all the candy they'll eat.
  9. MLS is trying to establish itself as a major North American sport?
  10. My teeth say "No" to both. Sorry. Kansas vs. Nebraska
  11. What a jackass. NBA players rip Skip Bayless after heartless tweet about Hayward
  12. I tell them what the AP folks told us: If it isn't clear, it isn't right.
  13. Oxygen. It's, like, my favorite element. I literally can't live without the stuff! Radiation Rumble: Infrared v. Ultraviolet
  14. Bismuth. Because of that BTO song. Progressive Bands Not Yet In the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame: King Crimson vs. Emerson, Lake and Palmer
  15. It wouldn't be so funny if it weren't true.
  16. My kids both love baseball. We take 'em to see the local AAA team play, it's like Disneyland to them. But cheaper.
  17. If our midnight (e.g., custodial) crew ever decides they need to prank me, I'm just going to pack it in. I can't win that war. In public education there are two enemies you can not make: The custodial crew, and the ladies in the front office. If you ever turn them against you, you're screwed.
  18. Not even an experiment, just a dimensional analysis conversion problem. Seriously, kiddos, can you not see that that answer doesn't make any sense at all?
  19. Better one should poke a sleeping dragon that wake a sleeping kid in the car.
  20. According to two of my students, the speed of light is just under 52 miles per hour.
  21. ...followed immediately by "It'sMy Life" by No Doubt. My random music mix is pretty random.
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