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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. I'm not sure why this is phrased as an ether/or question. But I'll take wood. Elements, Or Clubs? Wood vs. Iron
  2. BYU has found ways to lose to Utah State and East Carolina this year. Losing to FSU should b a piece of pie! (Especially if the game is in Tallahassee. BYU has never won a game in the state of Florida.)
  3. I remember when the Denver Broncos fired coach Dan Reeves back in the day. The perception was that the franchise valued their quarterback, John Elway, more than their coach. Mike Ditka even went so far as to say that the "inmates [were] running the asylum" in Denver. I don't remember it being that big a deal at the time. However, in a league where the majority of players are African Americans, and in a nation where African Americans are incarcerated at significantly higher rates than other racial and ethnic groups, and especially in a situation where the issue is already highly racially charged, an "inmates running the prison" metaphor is just about the dumbest thing you could say as a league executive.
  4. Florida State is...not a good football team.
  5. Q: Happy birthday! I arranged for you to have dinner tonight with the President! A: Of the two, I believe I'd prefer Foxbat.
  6. Meg Ryan has never been in a movie written by Carl Sagan. Dessert Duel: Tres leches vs. Apple pie
  7. Putting socks on shouldn't leave you feeling weak and exhausted. At least the sore throat is improving.
  8. Q: Would you believe 'aardvarks'? A: Once upon a December.
  9. That was a rough loss for Oregon State last night. Talk about snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.
  10. Ten Things That Sound Dirty On Halloween, But Aren't 1. So... What did you get in the sack? 2. Once you get under the sheet, start moaning and groaning! 3.Just hop on that broomstick and ride it! 4. Those small suckers are gone in a few licks. 5. I got the best piece from that house. 6. Quit screwing around on the porch! 7. Stick your hand in and guess what you're feeling. 8. It was so filled and heavy, I had to use two hands. 9. They'll suck you dry if they get their teeth in you. 10. I bobbed but couldn't get my mouth around it.
  11. J.S. Bach's "Toccata in D Minor", played on the magnificent Mormon Tabernacle organ
  12. What part of "Everything was due no later than last Wednesday" are you having trouble with?!
  13. Q: So, is Dungeons ans Dragons mass combat a good way to practice for the invasion of North Korea? A: Procrastination, pure and simple.
  14. Van Halen, because Panama. Lords! Lord of the Dance vs. Lord of the Flies
  15. Teddy. The man gave an hour-and-a-half speech after being shot, for crying out loud. Best Ford: Harrison or Prefect
  16. Corollary: If you don't see a body, he's not dead. He's on the way to Acapulco, and he'll be back in six months, stronger than ever. (My first Champions GM taught me that.)
  17. I love hot spiced cider...but I actually have cocoa. Breakfast Bash: Omelette vs. Steak & eggs
  18. It's the end of the quarter, so even if I had it, I couldn't use it. Those grades aren't going to post themselves. A little herbal tea, a little Day-Quil...I'll make it. I can sleep on the weekend. I hope.
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