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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. You can roll that stone to the top of the hill Drag your ball and chain behind you You can carry that weight with an iron will Or let the pain remain behind you Chip away the stone (Sisyphus) Chip away the stone Make the burden lighter If you must roll that rock alone You can drive those wheels to the end of the road You will still find the past right behind you You can try to deny the weight of the load Try to put the sins of the past night behind you Carve away the stone (Sisyphus) Carve away the stone Make a graven image With some features of your own You can roll that stone to the top of the hill You can carry that weight with an iron will You can drive those wheels to the end of he road You can try to deny the weight of the load Roll away the stone (Sisyphus) Roll away the stone If you could just move yours I could get working on my own
  2. Holy misplaced modifiers, Batman!
  3. Q: Why can't a Tyrannosaurus Rex play the cymbals?
  4. The Blob was less cheesy, IMHO. Fanboy Fetish Fantasy: Zatana (fishnets) vs. Scarlet Witch (teddy)
  5. My alma mater had a golf course when I was there, but it has since been overtaken by new construction. The school seems to be implementing a program to eliminate every square meter of undeveloped space on campus.
  6. Money, dear boy. Edit: Answering the question of why a university would have a golf course, or a football team.
  7. It sounds both immensely fascinating and unspeakably tedious simtaneously.
  8. Actually, it's 3rd period and it's green ink. Otherwise, entirely correct. Cancer keeps a bottle of That Old Janx Spirit in his office--not for consumption, but because he's discovered it's the most effective way to clean the quartz crystal lenses on the astrospectrophotometer.
  9. Not true. I despise Lobo even more than Wolverine and Gambit combined. Lobo can go die in a fire. Cancer worked his way through college pimping for old, out-of-work animated beauties like Malificent and Betty Boop.
  10. I had a student today tell me that she couldn't do the assignment because she didn't have a copy of the patriotic table.
  11. Today in lab, with a student who didn't want to wear safety goggles. Student: It's hard to see in these things! Me: It's harder to see when you're blind.
  12. They are replacing it with a new and better one, I presume. Or at least a functional abacus.
  13. Kaeto, however thought he deserved more than a 16.37% gratuity for his efforts. He's probably right.
  14. "There She Goes" by The La's - Much better than the cover by Sixpence None the Richer, IMHO.
  15. Well, getting arrested for shoplifting in China will certainly make you famous.
  16. Cool and badass. There's something to be said for a guy with that kind of pain threshold, especially in cold weather. Disaster Movies with Really Horrible Science: The Core vs. The Day After Tomorrow
  17. Q: Sorry, sometimes my body temperature just spontaneously rises to 1500°C. Are you okay? A: The last thing I saw was all seventeen hills in between crests of the ocean waves.
  18. ...as the Donkeys have so poignantly demonstrated this season.
  19. Kaeto prepared the said pants for consumption by making them into a light and fluffy soufflé, with truffle sauce and cranberry-infused sparkling water.
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