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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. Oranges. Specifically Mandarin oranges. Both kids love 'em. Hugs vs. Kisses
  2. Well, I guess the good news is thatthe Donkeys are in the running for a high draft pick!
  3. The good news is that Lonzo probably won't have to worry about his younger brother breaking the record next year!
  4. We still haven't had our first. It was 65F (18.3C) here on Friday.
  5. Dammit, Mississippi State, you had one job.
  6. Lady P watches football and Farscape. I have no legitimate excuse to refuse.
  7. Are there additional penalties if you're using Twitter?
  8. My three calculus teachers in college were all native English speakers. One was from the U.S., one was from the north of England, and one was from India. My quantum mechanics professor, on the other hand, was from Hong Kong and was definitely not a native English speaker.
  9. You don't understand the point of the thread, do you?
  10. ¿Por qué no te callas? (Ten years ago today, remember?)
  11. Seahawks WR Doug Baldwin on Thursday-night football: 'This s--- should be illegal' From the article: The PAC-12 does it that way. There's no reason the NFL couldn't do the same. Sure the logistics could be tricky, but the multi-billion dollar league could afford to pay people to figure things like that out. Or, they could just play the games on Sunday and Monday night.
  12. The first homework assignment of the new quarter is due in class today, and one-third of my first period class is absent. Probably just a coincidence.
  13. The winner of this confrontation is...all the fanboys watching the match on pay-per-view. Yummy! Cheesecake (pretty girls) vs. Cheesecake (delicious dessert)
  14. "I can't make you care. But I can make you suffer."
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