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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. Justice League, because Gal Godot. Worse Superhero Movie: Catwoman vs. Fantastic Four (2015)
  2. Your character is at the mall / supermarket / farmer's market one afternoon when a man in a black leather jacket walks up to another man, pulls a gun with a silencer, and shoots him at point blank range. The victim dies instantly, and the shooter slips into the shocked crowd. But your character manages to catch up with the shooter, who surprisingly surrenders without a fight. Upon questioning, the shooter reveals that he is a precognitive telepath, and that he'd had a vision of the victim committing a mass shooting at that same mall / supermarket / farmer's market later that same day. He argues that he saved more than 30 lives by taking out the shooter first. What does your character do?
  3. Three things never lie: Drunks, small children, and yoga pants.
  4. Bazza Cute but Deadly: Drop Bears vs. Summer Glau
  5. ...to which the hot dog vendor said, "That'll be $6.50." The Buddhist handed him a $20 bill, which the hot dog vendor promptly tucked into his till. The Buddhist asked, "What about my change?"
  6. ...the funding for which was provided thanks to a late-night conversation between L. Marcus and the King of Spain.
  7. I'll go with Angstroms. Furlong-scale spectroscopy isn't really a thing (as far as I know). Choose your scale! joules vs. Calories vs. electron volts
  8. Space wolves. How much blood do you need to lie in to make a blood angel, anyway? Choose Your Scale! 32°C vs. 32°F
  9. Between reflux, a cough, and a particularly frustrating recurring dream, I don't think I slept for more than 30 minutes in a stretch at any time last night. Today is gonna suck. (But hey, at least I have a dental appointment to look forward to this afternoon!)
  10. Elizabeth Taylor. All About that Bass: "Baby Got Back" by Sir Mix-A-Lot vs. "Fat Bottomed Girls" by Queen
  11. Ben Kingsley, because != Hannibal, the most overrated villain of the last 30 years. Books. Gimme dead trees, man. Cheesecake Factor: Big bust vs. Long legs
  12. One could do a trio of Roger Dean covers for every band he's worked with.
  13. Colorado State wore "State Pride" uniforms vs. Boise the other night. I'm not normally a fan of one-off gimmick uniforms (for example, the all-blacks that BYU wears once a year can all be dropped in a vat of acid, as far as I'm concerned), but these are pretty slick. I just wish they'd worn them the previous week, in the rivalry game against Wyoming. (via Uni-Watch)
  14. That's the problem with Oedipus. If it isn't one thing, it's your mother.
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