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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. Rin Tin Tin can carry on. Lassie deserves a nice, quiet retirement after getting Timmy out of the damn well so many times. Sci-Fi Claudias: Claudia Black vs. Claudia Christian
  2. Pariah is so impatient, he can't even wait for someone else to post the next reply on the thread.
  3. Gotta be Jaws. Useless Star Wars Peoples: Jawas vs. Ewoks vs. Gungans
  4. A day late, but a new topic nonetheless: Three Songs that Make You Feel Happy
  5. That's a valid concern. Peyton was most successful when he got to the line of scrimmage, read the defense, and changed the play call. Hard to do that from the booth.
  6. The Borg. Especially as portrayed in Star Trek: First Contact. Green Hornet. Johnny Deep is at least entertaining to watch. Mystery Movie Spoof: Clue vs. Murder by Death
  7. I don't think I've ever seen a field goal missed by so little.
  8. Popover. Yum. Hirsute Harassment: Going grey vs. Going bald
  9. The difference between Brock Osweiler and Russell Wilson is the difference between the Denver Broncos and the Seattle Seahawks right now.
  10. I feel awful, and have for most of the past two-and-a-half weeks. It might be time to head to the Insta-Care.
  11. I read an article about the Stinger. It looks pretty darn impressive. Off-Road Vehicles: Humvee vs. Jeep
  12. Effort is important, but results matter.
  13. I literally cannot remember the last time I ate a Peep. They're just terrible. Fast Cars (American Edition): Chevy Camaro vs. Dodge Charger vs. Ford Mustang
  14. Reminds me of the old poem from "Dot's Poetry Corner": Mary had a little lamb With mint jelly. Thank you.
  15. Pumpkin pie . . . with ice cream. Thanksgiving Goodness: Stuffing vs. Corn
  16. ...and the Donkeys have found their scapegoat, firing OC Mike McCoy. I wonder if they're considering bringing in Peyton Manning as Offensive Coordinator? He's already done it for four years....
  17. A month and a half ago, it looked like the AFC West might be the strongest division in the NFL. Today, the Chefs are in first place at 4-6. What a strange season it's been.
  18. I'm going to go with Twilight, on the grounds that nobody should ever be forced to watch 50 Shades for any reason ever at all. Starch Wars (Thanksgiving Style): Mashed potatoes vs. Yams
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