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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. He hires Oculon to catch the roadrunner for him. Oculon not only fails, but whines about it for three days afterward.
  2. Joan Jett. Same reason. Girls Just Want to Have Poker Faces: Cyndi Lauper vs. Lady Gaga
  3. It would make a heck of a weapon in Champions, though.
  4. That's quite enough of that. Go stand in the corner, young man.
  5. I foresee a whole flock of bird puns flying our way soon. Better duck.
  6. Mud wrasslin'. Somebody had to say it.
  7. King Louie. He's the king of the swingers, boy, jungle VIP! More Royal Hijinks: King Crimson vs. Queen Latifah vs. Prince
  8. Never would've imagined such a thing back in August.
  9. Say, that's not a bad idea. I wonder where I could find the molds....
  10. Q: What did the cannibal say when his parents brought him a jogger? A: Rainy days and pastel greys.
  11. "Jingle Bells" as performed by Mannheim Steamroller.
  12. Brockian Ultra-Cricket. I mean, who wouldn't love a chance to run up and smack some random person with a cricket bat for no reason? By the way, when did you say that the Senator was making his speech today? Just curious.
  13. Hey, I'll put up with a lot, but if you're going to start making jokes about graphs, that's where I have to draw the line.
  14. Lady Sif, if for no other reason than that Red Sonja is so dreadfully overexposed (in multiple senses). Battle Royal! King Arthur vs. King Kong
  15. If the films or other products of byegone eras are in line with the values and standards of their time, just as the films and other products of our era are in line with our contemporary values and standards, doesn't it seem a little presumptuous of us to talk about "having" to forgive them? Like they are in some inherent need of foregiveness, just because they reflect opinions that we now, well after the fact, happen to find distasteful? Is it bad to accept them for what they are, while realizing that we know better now (and maybe congratulating ourselves for this fact, just a little)? Just my 2¢.
  16. ...and the Donkeys have their first seven-game losing streak in half a century. Paxton Lynch clearly wasn't ready to come back. Trevor Siemian looked like an actual NFL quarterback out there in the 4th quarter, though. Odd. My guess is that Denver has three new quarterbacks in training camp come next summer.
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