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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. Sorry, I initially read this as 'horizontal problem' and came to quite a different conclusion.
  2. Neither Logan nor Lobo has been played by Samuel L. Jackson. Fury wins. Stuffing is tastier. Especially cornbread stuffing. Second-tier Sports Showdown: Lacrosse vs. Speed Skating
  3. Divert all their flights to Russia, who aren't going either.
  4. Everything is kink with you astronomy types.
  5. Gingham? I kind of always thought of space-time as chenille. Or maybe burlap. One of those two extremes.
  6. Cancer, you should Spoiler some of these so as not to cause inadvertent migraines in your readers.
  7. Space-time? This is no time to talk about time. We don't have the time. What was I saying?
  8. The word 'theory' means something quite different in science than it does in mundane usage.
  9. I prefer ham, although deep-fired goose is also quite tasty. Poultry in Motion: Ostriches (running) vs. Penguins (swimming)
  10. There's an old joke about the way to tell a plumber from a chemist: Ask them to pronounce the word 'unionized'.
  11. Lady P and I went to a concert once where I'm pretty sure we were the only ones not burning rope.
  12. Ooh ooh ah ah Ooh ooh ah ah I'm going slightly mad....
  13. Ugh. More dimensions than I want to operate in.
  14. Like Star Trek? (It seems to me that I once read that Star Trek used cylindrical coordinates....)
  15. In other words, current political reasoning. Keeps going around and around without getting anywhere, can only see one side of an issue.
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