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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. My $0.02: It's better than any of the prequels (not that that's a particularly high bar to clear....). It's better than The Force Awakens. It might be better than any Star Wars movie not named The Empire Strikes Back. Yes, it has flaws, some of them really obvious. But I don't really get all the hate here. I saw it, and I loved it. YMMV, obviously.
  2. I think you meant, "II late".
  3. Given that I'm gonna lose a bunch of them in either case, spinners are less expensive. The B52's vs. an actual B-52
  4. Somebody paid $2B for the Clippers?!
  5. Death Tribble was disappointed that when he went to an Indian restaurant and ordered curry, it tasted nothing like the star of The Rocky Horror Picture Show.
  6. Testing that involves big wooden bats? Tell me more....
  7. Nobody cares, or indeed even notices.
  8. It's not official, but it could be shoehorned in. You know, for the sake of the joke.
  9. Rubrics to help score the tests, of course.
  10. L. Marcus collects unicorn figurines cast in iridium.
  11. Also, the pic forgot to mention 999.
  12. The lack of a zero complicates things, too.
  13. I just realized that I posted this in the wrong thread. Sorry.
  14. The only major character I care about less than Batman is Squirrel Girl.
  15. HOW THE %×÷*€ IS THAT AN INCOMPLETE PASS?!? Proof, If any additional were needed, that Bill Belichick has some sort of satanic Faustian bargain.
  16. Death Tribble can eat his weight in goose feathers in less than 30 minutes.
  17. Much as I love Highlander, I've got to go with Inigo Montoya on this one. Imperial Dreadnought vs. Vorlon Planet-killer
  18. Honey badger, clearly. Razorbacks, even giant mutant ones, are not natural predators. Whiny Movie Emo Kids: Edward Cullen vs. Kylo Ren
  19. I've seen things Things you can't even believe Past designs, future designs Cables in the bend Secondhand sounds, future sounds Synthesized dialogues Incomprehensible softwares Hi Jon Let's break some rules Here comes the sun We're doing some recordings later Same old factory, you know I have some names for you: Polyester Landscape Nylon Oxygen Ashes To Concrete Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera Oh, by the way It's been a beautiful morning What a morning Great morning It's a great morning, man
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