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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. Re: [Campaign] The Dreamwalkers I'm really looking forward to playing in this campaign. Been a long time since I've done Fantasy. I'd Rep you for all your hard work, were it not for that pesky "You must spread" thing.
  2. Re: Best SuperHero Fights ever My favorite Secret Wars fight was Spidey vs. Titania. One line summed it all up: "Oh, and if we were fighting in a broom closet, that'd be fair?" So nice to see somebody winning with tactics!
  3. Re: Best SuperHero Fights ever Yeah, Hades was really regretting the DNPC points he got for Persophone on that occasion. Great stuff!
  4. It's not hard to picture the scene. A group of older people--geezers, you might even call them--are sitting around talking about the way things were "back in the day". Now, imagine that these geezers are actually Champions players from the old school--and I do mean the Olde School. You might hear things like these: "Back when I started playing Champions, you couldn't buy new books from a gaming store. If you wanted a new book, you had to wait for some monk to copy it by hand for you." "Back when I started playing Champions, we kept track of our stats with Roman numerals. It was fun, until we had to fight the villain with the CXX Strength." "Back when I started playing Champions, we used miniature figures made of iridium. The stuff was just lying around back then." You get the picture. So tell me, what was it like back when you started playing Champions?
  5. Re: Signs your Champions GM is now (fill in the blank) I could live with all-Rush background music, but no Moving Pictures? Out of the question. Apparently I've played in this campaign.....
  6. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Well, one does what one has to do. It's hard, but hey, that's what being a GM is all about...
  7. Re: Signs your Champions GM is now (fill in the blank) Funniest thing I've seen in a week! Unfortunately, I must spread some Rep around, etc. By the way, what's wrong with being a Pariah?
  8. Re: Richest Man in the World Disease If everyone in the campaign wants to be billionaires, I say let them...but remind then that with great wealth comes great responsibility. A few examples: * Hostile takeover attempts (for those with corporate wealth) * Greedy and contentious relatives (for inherited wealth) * Legal battles for control of the money (good for anyone) * Constant visits from the IRS * And, of course, Villains are always trying to steal the money in a hundred different and colorful ways In other words, make it clear to the players that Wealth has its own problems, just like poverty does. Money really isn't free. It's like an old GM of mine once said: Buy a Perk, get a Hunted thrown in at no extra charge!
  9. Re: Historical Nexus Points On October 14th, 2003, Steve Bartman gets a case of food poisoning. He decides not to go to that night's NCLS Game 6. Moises Alou makes the routine catch, and the Chicago Cubs win the game and go on to beat the Yankees four games to two. The Cubs win the World Series---which signals the end of Western civilization.
  10. Re: Older Gamers, Older Characters? REgressing would imply that I actually left it at some point....
  11. Re: Older Gamers, Older Characters?
  12. Re: Signs your Champions GM is now (fill in the blank) I can't believe nobody's done this one yet: Signs your Champions GM is now Douglas Adams: 1) Everyone's required to buy Universal Translator, 1 Continuous Charge lasting 1 Century (+2), IIF: Babel Fish (-1/4), Independent (-2), Extra Phase to activate (-3/4), Gestures to activate ('Here, stick this fish in your ear....', -1/4) Active Cost: 60 points, Real Cost: 14 points. 2) Your team transport takes you reliably to where you need to go, but there's a good chance you'll all be couches when you get there. 3) Tea is not allowed at the gaming table, because the last guy who asked for a cup of tea crashed the game for several hours and just about got everyone killed. 4) Your team leader has as many appendages as Grond. 5) All characters are required to take at least three dice of both Luck and Unluck. 5a) All human characters have to take at least six dice of both. Fortunately, there are only two of them to worry about. 6) Watched: The Mice (11-) is a mandatory 15 point Disad. 7) Attempting to read poetry at the gaming table will get you expelled and/or beaten. 8) The plot lines make no sense, but everyone's having too much fun to notice. 9) Everyone in the known universe--PCs, NPCs, aliens, and superintelligent shades of the color blue--all speak with a British accent. 10) The GM offers everyone Pan Galactic Gargle Blasters at the end of a really difficult fight.
  13. Re: Signs your Champions GM is now (fill in the blank) Not at all. I've got a bunch of his CDs myself. In fact, I think I'll recommend Vangelis to our host for tomorrow's gaming session.
  14. Re: Signs your Champions GM is now (fill in the blank) Signs your Champions GM is now Carl Sagan: 1) Vangelis is playing in the background at all gaming sessions. 2) Your first adventure has you going back to the Library at Alexandria to stop the murder of Hypatia. 3) Newbies who complain about building a character because "the math is too hard" are laughed right out of the room. 4) The Villain Of The Week's voice is so calm and soothing that it almost makes you forget that he's trying to kill you. 5) A lot of your adventures involve trying to stop nuclear proliferation and/or saving the ozone layer. 6) Your team vehicle is powered strictly by its passengers' imaginations. 7) Billions and billions of plot complications.
  15. Re: Historical Nexus Points The Tunguska Event, instead of being an icy comet crashing to Earth, is actually a rocky and/or metallic meteor instead. Widespread destruction is accompanied by tons of dust and debris in the air, triggering climate changes. Or, the Tunguska Event happens 50 years later, in 1958, and is mistaken by both the Soviets and the West as a nuclear blast. One thing leads to another..... (Yes, I just watched the episode of Cosmos relating to the Tunguska Event.)
  16. Re: Signs your Champions GM is now (fill in the blank) Karmakaze, transmetahuman, OddHat, and FenrisUlf, I'd Rep each and every one of you if I weren't getting that pesky "You must spread" message. Good stuff, all of ya!
  17. Re: Signs your Champions GM is now (fill in the blank) I'm surprised nobody's posted one on Joss Whedon yet. I don't know his stuff (besides Firefly) well enough to do it myself, unfortunately.
  18. Re: Historical Nexus Points The Viking colony established in North America ~1000 AD survives and thrives, and by the time Christopher Columbus is born, the entire Western Hemisphere is colonized and speaking Norse.
  19. Re: The New Mutants and The Hellions It could be that that's when The Great Iron Age Of Mutant Comic Book Suck-itude started, and a bunch of us got out while the getting was good. Just a theory.... (Opinionated? Who, me? )
  20. Re: My Champions Universe Timeline. Color me impressed! Very nice work, and Repworthy.
  21. Re: Signs your Champions GM is now (fill in the blank) 4) The GM actually penalizes you XP for great dialog, because "That's not the way I wrote it!" And You must spread some Reputation around, yada yada yada. (Or Yoda Yoda Yoda, as the case may be.)
  22. Re: Signs your Champions GM is now (fill in the blank) Signs your Champions GM is now J. Michael Straczynski: 1) Obscure details from the first gaming session end up being critical to beating the Big Bad Guy in the last session. 2) Your campaign takes five full years to play out, and you almost never have one-shot adventures. 3) Half the characters in your group have addiction issues. 4) NPCs get as much screen time as the PCs, and a lot of the time they get better dialog. 5) Child PCs are verboten, and any child NPC who shows up is dead by the end of the adventure. Guaranteed. 6) Your campaign backstory goes back one million years--and you're expected to know ALL of it.
  23. Re: The New Mutants and The Hellions
  24. Re: Super-Hero Provided Patient Transportation Yeah, now if only Terminal Velocity had something like that....
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