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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Those are two of the most beautiful women I've ever seen! Why do I have to stay away from them?! A: This is Rhode Island, you nitwit, not the Bespin Holiday Inn!
  2. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Won't you please lick my nose? Just a little? Please? A: A shiny new anvil and a big bucket of antidepressants.
  3. Re: Answers & Questions Q: The hyperdrive's shot. What are our other options? A: According to quantum electrodynamics, no.
  4. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat On the floor of your closet, you find a picture of a young Strom Thurmond. NT: You know you're living in a bad sci-fi show when...
  5. Re: Answers & Questions Q: What weapon was used to give a 21-gun salute at Don Ho's funeral? A: The Main Street Diner in Briggsdale, Colorado.
  6. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Fifty million dollars, control of eastern Slovenia, and a date with Power Girl...
  7. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat He keeps them in the pockets of his gigantic billiards table. (Pluto was really taken off the list of planets last year because it was destroyed in a wicked game of cosmic 9-ball.)
  8. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Washington DC just claimed eminent domain and annexed it. (They figured it was the only way they'd be sure of getting those House and Senate seats they've been quacking about.)
  9. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat "So, Mom, I got you tickets to a play. Huh? It's Sophocles' Oedipus the King, why do you ask?"
  10. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat England: Paul McCartney. What, we've had a professional wrestler and a bodybuilder as state governors over here, why not a Beatle as PM? France: Zinedine Zidane. They've been head-butting the rest of the world for decades anyway....
  11. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Didn't you say that one of your appetizers would kill even a vampire? A: It's possible, but we're gonna need a LOT of lime Jell-O.
  12. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...
  13. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...
  14. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Wouldn't an annoying geek-hat be a 'touque'? (Or 'tuke', eh?)
  15. Re: The Things That I've Learned Facing Bricks Fighting a brick is an exercise in both patience and perseverance. Three things to consider: 1. You have to know you're not going to take most bricks out in one shot. Even if you're using your most powerful attack, you're going to have to hit the brick a few times before they fall. 2. On the other hand, you are up against the clock. Phase 12, specifically. Because if you don't knock that brick out by the end of Phase 12, you can pretty well rest assured you won't take them out on 2, 3, or 4 of the next Turn. 3. But there is an advantage to long fights, too: Bricks tend to be huge END-burners. Even with high REC scores, most bricks will use from twice to four times as much END in a Turn as they get back Post-12. So if you're patient, you may actually get the brick into a position where all they can do is either sit there and take the damage, or burn STUN for END. One other thing I've learned facing bricks: Mr. Miyagi was right. "Best defense, no be there."
  16. Re: Answers & Questions Q: What was the comment I most wanted to write on my 4th period Algebra II class' quiz papers? A: Neon beanie.
  17. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Talking on a cell phone while driving, bad speling, and forwarding the Neiman Marcus cookie recipe. New Topic: Pick-up lines heard at a Star Trek convention:
  18. Re: A Thread for Random Musings I gave three Algebra II classes a quiz to review for upcoming standardized tests. Out of 40 possible points, the averages were as follows: Overall: 25 1st Period: 27 3rd Period: 28 4th Period: 17 Funny, because on of the students from 4th Period wrote on his quiz, "I'd probably do better if I'd come to class." I was tempted to write, "Gee, ya think?!"
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