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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. Pariah

    A little help

    Re: A little help If knocking people down is the primary desired effect, you might want to throw Double Knockback (+3/4) into the mix. If my math skills haven't failed me, you end up with: 7u___"Hammer Time" 6d6 EB (Physical), Explosion (+1/2), Double Knockback (+3/4), Personal Immunity (+1/4), Only Affects Targets in the Ground (-1/2), No Range (-1/2). On average, this would give you 12 'BODY' at Ground Zero from which to calculate KNB, as opposed to 8 'BODY' with the straight 8d6. If all you were interested in was knocking people down, you might also slap a Does No STUN (-3/4) limitation on it. That saves you two points!
  2. Pariah

    Sand Staff

    Re: Sand Staff The biggest distinction would be availability. 'Dirt' is made up of a lot of different things, of which 'sand' might be only a minor component. 'Sand' is almost entirely silicon dioxide. Dirt includes a fair bit of that, as well as other minerals (other metal oxides, carbonates, hydroxides, nitrates, phosphates, and the like) and organic matter. Drawing enough 'sand' out of the red clay you find in southern Utah, for example, could make the power almost useless.
  3. Pariah

    Sand Staff

    Re: Sand Staff Of course, what the heck was I thinking? Rep to thee for setting me straight.
  4. Pariah

    Sand Staff

    Re: Sand Staff At this point in the conversation, one of the players in my campaign would invariably say, "Is it a full staff, or just a publicist and a girl Friday?" Seriously, though, the HA would be the way to go. And if it can be made of ANY small, stony, particulate matter (i.e., pebbles, gravel, or even just ordinary dirt) and not just sand, maybe a -1/4 limitation (Requires Loose Ground Nearby) would be appropriate. More points, but you can use it in Iowa and not just at the beach.
  5. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Angelina Jolie's in my bedroom and she's got pistols, and she's REALLY starting to creep me out... A: Down the hall, up two flights of stairs, and through the waist-deep toxic sludge. It's the first door on the left.
  6. Re: Answers & Questions Q: My Grandpa was just here at the top of this hill in his wheelchair. Where the heck did he go? A: A peanut butter, mustard, and onion sandwich, on rye bread. Lightly toasted.
  7. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat You can forget about things like raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens. Those kinds of solutions never work. You may have better luck with Lederhosen made from old curtains, though.
  8. Re: What Kind of Heroes do you GM? Sweet mercy, has it really been that long?
  9. Re: Review My XP Policy The online comic strip User Friendly had an interesting bit on Vista this past Sunday: http://ars.userfriendly.org/cartoons/?id=20070617 Summary: "Thanks for Vista! It makes us look so good!" Signed, the Ubuntu Linux guys
  10. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat She holds a Tupperware party, where she shows off the bowl she used to give herself her latest haircut.
  11. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat You think you're doing pretty well because you move so much quicker than the club pro. Then you learn that it's because he's wearing lead-lined shorts.
  12. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat "General Hammond, it's Senator Kinsey on the line. He says Colonel O'Neill owes him another case of scotch...."
  13. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Is that a pistol in your pocket or are you just pleased to see me? I REALLY hope it's the former. A: There is an old saying amongst my people: They do not build them as they once did.
  14. Re: Superhero Legal Disclaimers
  15. Re: Superhero Legal Disclaimers How about this: "I am _______, and I'm placing you under citizen's arrest. I have metahuman abilities, and I will use them to prevent you from committing any further criminal actions. Surrender, and you will be remanded into police custody without further incident."
  16. Re: What Kind of Heroes do you GM?
  17. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Either you have an unhealthy fascination with prunes, or your handwriting is atrocious. What is this supposed to say, anyway? A: I had no idea hiccups would be a side effect.
  18. Re: Superhero Legal Disclaimers
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