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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. Re: Jokes We're on a whole different page now. The least you could do is coordinate your responses...
  2. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Tammy Faye's funeral was an open-casket ceremony? (With apologies to the departed.) A: You, you, and you, panic. The rest of you, follow me.
  3. Re: Jokes A blind man walked into a bar one night. One of the patrons at the bar saw him and helped him get to a barstool and get a drink. After a few minutes, the blind man leaned over to his new friend and said, "I just heard the world's best blonde joke. Would you like to hear it?" The other man said, "Friend, before you say another word, there's something you need to know." "What's that?" the blind man asked. "There are five people besides you in this bar. The bartender is blonde. The bouncer is blonde. There are two women sitting at the end of the bar. One is an off-duty police officer, and the other is a Marine Corps gunnery sergeant, and they're both blond. I'm six-foot-four, two hundred and sixty pounds, and I've got a third degree black belt in karate, and I'm blonde. "So," the man concluded, "Are you sure you really want to tell that joke?" The blind man thought about it for a minute and said, "No, not if I'm going to have to explain it five times."
  4. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat "Here, Lionel, put this in Nicole's room. Maybe it'll keep her out of trouble." New Topic - Let The Punishment Fit The Crime: Celebrities Behaving Badly
  5. Re: Answers & Questions Q: What did Reverend Sharpton say to make you think he was on LSD for Sunday's sermon? A: I didn't like it then, and I like it a whole lot less now.
  6. Re: Answers & Questions Q: I've never been thrown through a plate glass window before. It's an odd collection of sensations. For example, what's this flavor explosion I'm experiencing? A: Annie Lennox or k d lang, you decide.
  7. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? 160 Million Dollar Chinese Man from the Ocean's Eleven soundtrack.
  8. Re: Jokes I don't know if any of the rest of you heard this, but the American Medical Association just approved the use of lawyers in medical research instead of lab rats. They cited four main reasons: 1. There are more of them. 2. The researchers don't get so attached. 3. The ASPCA doesn't consider it cruelty. 4. There are some things a rat just won't do.
  9. Re: Jokes Nah, he'll be cooling his heels in the Big (ice)House for a long, long time.
  10. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Arthur, are you feeling dyslexic? A: Sorta like that, but with brooms.
  11. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Wow, singing the national anthem was swell! Do I get a glove now? A: It's not the sort of thing you normally see on a cricket pitch, that's for sure.
  12. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Jousting. In full field plate. On motorcycles.
  13. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Hey, I smell something good, and it doesn't smell like these nondescript green pellets...is that pie?
  14. Re: Jokes You'll need more than a technicality to walk freon this one.
  15. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Is this Painting 101? I've brought my chain saw... A: The destruction could be seen from orbit.
  16. Re: Jokes Well, it's obvious you'd do it that way. To do it the other way would be putting
  17. Re: 10 Real-life Superheroes Let's face it....even a single 15- or 20-point Psych Lim would be enough to get you committed (or at least medicated) in the real world. And most published supers have at least two of them....
  18. Re: 10 Real-life Superheroes From the pictures, it looks like Citizen Prime is the only one wearing any kind of protective gear. I makes me think the others are potential Darwin Award winners looking for the spot.
  19. Re: [Twisted Game Concept] VG Supers I'd like to play one of the fighters from Primal Rage. Armadon, maybe...
  20. Re: Needed for Champions As someone who returned to Champions after an extended leave of absence, let me recommend Sidekick. Great for new players, too.
  21. Re: Answers & Questions Q: This strange chap came into the pub, ordered six pints of bitters for him and his mate, and told the barkeep the world was going to end in a few minutes. Suppose we oughter duck and cover or something? A: It's the strangest thing I've seen today, that's for sure.
  22. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat ...the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition.
  23. Re: Jokes Q: What do you call the ratio of the circumference of an igloo to its diameter?
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