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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat They've been discovered stealing middle school biology experiments...for a BBQ...
  2. Re: Jokes In honor of the season.... Q: What do you call a ghost that haunts a hen house?
  3. Re: Answers & Questions Q: What is Katrina and the Waves' tribute to Pink Floyd going to be called? A: It's just a movie, after all.
  4. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat "Oi, look at me, mates! I can shoot lightning out me bum!"
  5. Re: Your characters, favorite by Archetype Brick - That would be my namesake, Pariah (although he could easily fit into the Mystic category as well). He was a defrocked mage who subsequently gained superhuman strength and durability. He used his magic to augment his combat capabilities. He was scary. And he wasn't even the team's primary brick. Energy Projector - Thunderstrike started as a naïve young college freshman who wanted to join the team just to be close to a heroine he had a crush on. He retired as an experienced, capable, and recognized member of one of the premier superteams on the planet. The evolution of his character was a lot of fun. Powerwise, he threw lightning to a lot of different effects. Gadgeteer - To my recollection, I've never played one. Martial Artist - Several of my characters have had martial arts packages, but none of them really fit the 'Martial Artist' archetype. I guess the closest I have is one of my current characters, Morningstar. She's a kinetic-based flier with a rather varied set of martial maneuvers. And a club. Mentalist - Impulse was only the second character I ever built, and I player her for a bit more than a year. She was a natural telekinetic with a Soul Gem that gave her telepathic powers as well. She also had detective skills and could pick locks with her mind (thanks to the TK). Metamorph - I don't really have one of these either, unless you count Fang, who was a reluctant werewolf (and consequently had human and lupine forms). He was an immunologist who accidentally infected himself while trying to discover a cure for lycanthropy. Pretty much a Beast knock-off. Mystic - My initial thought is to list Amethyst, but as a GMPC, she's as much prop and plot device as actual character. So I'll go with ColdFire. She gained mystical cold powers after being kidnapped and transformed by an ice demon. She's kept a bit of that otherworldly essence, which manifests as a small Magic Pool that's separate from her cold powers. Patriot/Avatar - I built an NPC named Victor for a villain group; he was an undercover RCMP officer who had infiltrated a mutant liberation supervillain group. I later rebuilt him as a full-blown hero for a high-level hero campaign. He would have been Canada's premier superhero, their answer to Captain America. Alas, the campaign never really took off, and I never got to play him. Powered Armor - One summer many years ago, my GM had the idea of running an aquatic campaign. My character was a scientist who had perfected a deep-sea exploration supersuit. That was Riptide. He had increased strength, Life Support, a large amount of both swimming and flight, and an electrical EB that was really nasty underwater. Speedster - Brian Brodeur was a world champion skier who was about to be devoured by a demon, but was rescued and given the chance to work for an extradimensional cabal of well-intentioned but slightly insane entities known as the Pentarchy. Already blessed with phenomenal physical attributes, he eventually gained superhuman speed and agility, as well as flight powers. Oh, and the Pentarchs gave him a really big gun. And thus he became Desperado. Think Northstar with a BFG, and you've got the idea. Weapon Master - This would have to be Jack Diamond. In addition to his combat and detective skills, he had a Multipower (and later a VPP) full of exotic weapons--many of which were trophies he'd taken from the villains he defeated. His first trophy was a pair of gauntlets he took from Vengeance (our world's villainous version of the Golden Avenger). Vengeance took offense, and became Diamond's archnemesis.
  6. Re: Answers & Questions Q: What's TV going to be like until the World Series starts? A: But it looked so good on Diana Ross!
  7. Re: Your characters, favorite by Archetype Native Sun ... paging Native Sun ...
  8. Re: Answers & Questions Q: What are Captain Link Hogthrob, First Mate Miss Piggy, and Dr. Julius Strangepork complaining about now? A: Like Paris Hilton on Jeopardy!
  9. Re: Jokes A minister, a priest, and a rabbi walked into a bar one evening. The bartender took one look at them and said, "What is this, some kind of a joke?" A three-legged dog walked into a saloon in the Old West. The place suddenly went silent, and the dog said, "I'm lookin' for the man who shot my paw!" A skeleton walked into a bar and told the bartender, "Give me a beer and a mop."
  10. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Oh no, they're threatening to pass that ridiculous Paranormal Registration Bill! Who can save us from the foolishness of our legislators? A: A complete disaster, with Buffalo Wings and BBQ pork flung everywhere.
  11. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat The Fly "Buzzzz buzzzz buzzzz..." *SWAT* Problem solved.
  12. Pariah

    Hot Rod

    Re: Hot Rod How about bonuses to Combat Driving through the car? It's sort of the "Wow, this thing handles beautifully!" effect.
  13. Re: Doctor, Doctor! I think only two of my characters have had doctorates. One was Fang, an homage to (or thinly-veiled ripoff of) Hank McCoy. He was a physician and medical researcher specializing in immunology. He acquired his powers when he accidentally infected himself while trying to discover a cure for Lycanthropy. One of my current characters, Wild Card, has a PhD. in Archeology and teaches the subject at the University of Florida-Vibora Bay. You can imagine what his research projects involve....
  14. Re: Halloween Themed Session...ideas? How about a murder mystery? And here's the twist: the victim (or their ghost/spirit/essence, more properly) appears to one of the heroes on All Hallow's Eve and implores them to find their killer so they can finally rest. Perhaps it was someone who's been dead for years and the crime was never solved, or maybe it's someone young and innocent who only died recently under mysterious circumstances. At any rate, the heroes have to decide A) Do they believe this epiphany, and If so, what do they do about it? How do they find and apprehend the killer? Of course, this scenario will probably involve more role-playing and less combat. It would work just fine with my gaming group, but YMMV.
  15. Re: Casting "Champions Universe: The Motion Picture" Shaquille O'Neal (with a little CGI help) to play Grond. He's got the physique for it. And the acting skill.
  16. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat You know, I can use my growth powers selectively.... New Topic: Clever responses to bad superhero pick-up lines.
  17. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Hey, did you know there are 499 ways to cook bratwurst besides grilling? A: Free tickets to the Yanni concert!
  18. Re: Casting "Champions Universe: The Motion Picture" If we're going with the 4Ed look of Menton, the first face that came to my mind was Jason Isaacs (aka Lucius Malfoy in the HP movies).
  19. Re: Disney Princesses Wow, it's like The League of Extraordinary Princesses. Nicely done, and Repworthy.
  20. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Exactly who were you talking about when you said, "Oh my Lords!"? A: Welcome to the precise geographic middle of nowhere.
  21. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat More toes!
  22. Re: Jokes A Brief History of Medicine: Problem: "I have an ear ache." Solutions: * 2000 B.C. - "Here, eat this root." * 1000 A.D. - "That root is heathen, say this prayer." * 1850 A.D. - "That prayer is superstition, drink this potion." * 1940 A.D. - "That potion is snake oil, swallow this pill. " * 1985 A.D. - "That pill is ineffective, take this antibiotic." * 2000 A.D. - "That antibiotic is artificial. Here, eat this root."
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