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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. New York Rangers -- they almost made it to the Stanley Cup Finals!
  2. Q - Why does Logan keep running the Arena Games? A - Demon llama!
  3. That kind of depends on how you define 'important', doesn't it?
  4. Been reading xkcd of late, have we?
  5. The "DC Animated HeroMachine" Thread really helped me with that one.
  6. I remember when someone (Susano?) finally broke the 10M barrier.
  7. Just wanted to give this thread a bump here. I've got 135 responses at present. Can I get 15 more for an even 150?
  8. That's pretty much what I've heard about the incident, yes.
  9. Did they sell those herrings to people wanting to chop down trees?
  10. I don't need to read the autopsy to know it was a train wreck.
  11. Q - What would you consider more insulting than my simply slicing you open? A - There's a place for you. It's two standard deviations below the mean.
  12. The episode was the 4th season finale; it thrown together at the last minute when JMS was notified that they were getting a fifth season after all. The original 4th season finale, which became the series finale at the end of the 5th season, was considerably better.
  13. Not a great source image, but you get the point.
  14. And you were correct, good sir! Check out the new match, ladies and gentlemen. It's a doozy!
  15. Wednesday's Elseworlds match will be posted in an hour or two. Don't worry, it'll be worth the wait.
  16. I still don't have a reasonably complete picture, and I'm just fine with that.
  17. Let's not use sulfuric acid, okay?
  18. I don't know how I missed this the first time around. (Or how you found it so many years later.)
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