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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. Incidentally, will there be an updated Pluto emoticon available on the Boards soon? (You're a Mod, that's all I'm saying. Make it happen.)
  2. Okay, you succeeded in making Lady Pariah look at me funny when I laughed about this. Well done.
  3. The first letter of each paragraph combines to read "Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is a crack whore". Edit: Nuts, that's three. NEW TOPIC: Surprising happenings at tonight's MLB All-Star Game.
  4. He doesn't even talk to fish?! Wow, he's even more useless than I thought!
  5. YouTube isn't exactly what I'd call an authoritative source.
  6. Looks great! The cruciform sword actually fits her character concept better than the one I choose.
  7. Traditionally (can you say that after two iterations?) there have been eight team members. Players draft in a specific order as determined by the Commissioner, but the order reverses in alternate rounds. So if you draft second in Round 1, you'll draft second-to-last in Round 2, then second again in Round 3, etc.
  8. Okay, so I finally got around to watching the trailer and reading the thread. Is it bad that I have basically no interest whatsoever in seeing this movie?
  9. Little Girl Pariah has graciously consented to watch something other than Frozen today.
  10. A new heroine has been sighted patrolling the streets of Campaign City. She calls herself: Guardian! (The 'wings' and the 'sword' are both energy constructs.)
  11. Seriously, though, I presume this means we're not doing the non-powered Arena Games this time.
  12. Super-Soldier for me, then. Or Doctor Strangefate.
  13. Q - Don't you wish sometimes that the time machine had never been invented? A - That's not just impossible, it's also in exceptionally poor taste.
  14. Q - Why is Americans For A Closed Universe asking me for a donation of five million million kilotons of missing mass? A - I can save the universe in a grain of sand.
  15. "You've just broken another book, haven't you?"
  16. Heck, I almost cried through the last fifteen minutes of it.
  17. Inside Out might just be the best Pixar movie yet.
  18. No herring. We used 'em all for chopping down trees.
  19. Egyptiod was responsible for the expansion, but the first Centurion image (Crimson Centurion, IIRC) was created by yours truly.
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